Do combs and wattles continue to grow?


Flock Master
8 Years
Jan 10, 2013
My hens are 1.5 years old and it looks like some have larger wattles and combs than they had by a year old.

Am I imagining this or do the wattle/combs continue to grow …like they say human ears do?

Mine are hatchery chickens - have noticed this on BR and BO. But on the 2 BO that often go broody, theirs doesn't appear to be changing.

Just curious, still trying to learn.
I have barred rocks, australorps, and black sexlinks. They are 18 month old. Some of them have grown really big combs and wattles but have never gone broody. My little mutt hen has not grown a big comb or wattle and she has gone broody once.

I realize this thread is over a year old but i noticed the same thing on a barred rock hen i got about two months ago. I'm pretty sure pics verify that her comb is bigger now than when u got her. The guy i got her from said she was between 2-3, he had six hens and didnt provide specific ages for each.
She was molting when i got her but is now vibrant and laying daily now!


Then (larger same pic is on my "new member thread"):

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