Do ducks mate before they are old enough to lay eggs?


11 Years
Aug 29, 2008
I have some muscovies that I just recently got. I am not sure how old they are:( The ducks are mating, and I was wondering if they are mating does that mean they are old enough to lay eggs? Or does that just mean they are sexually mature and have nothing to do with weather or not they will lay eggs this spring?
They mate all the time! Mating has really nothing to do with egg laying. Took my khaki campbells about 5 to 6 months to start laying.
Mating behavior is more than just is about dominance and flock position. Duck politics if you will
mine started mating a month or so before she started laying eggs. do not know why, wish i did
They sure do...

Mine have been "practicing" for over a month now...And I dont expect to see eggs for quite a while longer since we are heading into the cooler months here in Australia now.

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