Do ducks take breaks during first laying?


6 Years
Dec 29, 2017
Battle Ground, WA
Our 1 year old duck started laying once spring started this year for the first time and had been laying up until last week. She's not broody and there's no nest anywhere in their yard. She and our other female duck free range with the chickens while I'm out there so I know she doesn't have a hidden nest anywhere as I follow them around while they're out.
I've checked her over and she doesn't seem to be ill or injured. No stress either so I'm not sure why she stopped.

What would cause a duck to stop laying?
Do they take breaks?
I'm no expert, but I've heard that calcium can sometimes be tied to egg production. Maby check and see if they're getting enough calcium (you'll wanna double check how much they're getting as high concentration of calcium can prove toxic)
Though it is also possible that they're just taking a break from laying, I've had my hens (chickens) do the exact same thing. Dunno if it caries over to ducks though
She’s just taking a break. Mine are too. Went from 9 eggs on Sat to 3 eggs yesterday’s if they didn’t give their bodies a break their bones would suffer from lack of calcium.

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