Do girls Crow?


In the Brooder
Apr 19, 2015
This is Ginger. She is 6 weeks old. I'm not sure what breed she is exactly. Some kind of EE. I was told Americana. But she started to "crow" or maybe she's just crying. She sits on the roost, puts her head down and arches her back and makes this weird noise.

Do you guys think she's a roo? I paid for pullets so most likely she's a she, but you never know.

Ginger is a lovely Easter Egger cockerel......looks like it's time for a name change. Even with sexed pullets there is a 5-15% rate of mis-sexing depending on who is doing the sexing.
Darn. I really wanted blue eggs and I don't know if my parents will let me keep a roo. Do they really crow in morning because that's the main reason why they don't want a roo.
Sorry, but Ginger is a cockerel. Hens do crow on rare occasions but it is almost always an older hen who has assumed the role of a rooster in a roosterless flock. As far as roosters crowing, they will crow at anytime--morning, afternoon, evening, or 2:00 am in the morning.
Thanks everyone. I think I'll call him George now. Hopefully he doesn't crow too loud and my parents will let me keep him. :)
Just wondering what about him/her makes you guy think it's a cockerel? The crowing? The comb? I just want to know what I'm looking for in other chickens.
Just wondering what about him/her makes you guy think it's a cockerel? The crowing? The comb? I just want to know what I'm looking for in other chickens.

The crowing would certainly indicate it's a cockerel. However, even without the crowing, the redness and size of the comb at six weeks is screaming cockerel.

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