Do Hens Have Pockets?


Free Ranging
5 Years
Nov 30, 2018
Lakeside, OR
Okay, so we were discussing nest box placement (he believes 3' from the ground is best) with the guy who built our coop and run and he mentioned in passing that his Rhode Island Red stole the other hens eggs. He said he found nearly all the eggs in the RIR's nest, 3' off the ground. I said, "I'll bite, how'd she get them there?" He swore she tucked them in her armpit/wingpit and carried them up to her nest. We laughed but his daughter heard us and she swore she saw the hen doing it.

Now I have heard of hens stealing others eggs but I've never been sure how it was done. Is that it? Does the hen push them with her beak and tuck them into her armpit/wingpit? Or does Henny Penny really wear an apron with nice pockets just for that purpose?

Oh, and we compromised on nest box placement, 3 at floor level and 3 at 3'.
Okay, so we were discussing nest box placement (he believes 3' from the ground is best) with the guy who built our coop and run and he mentioned in passing that his Rhode Island Red stole the other hens eggs. He said he found nearly all the eggs in the RIR's nest, 3' off the ground. I said, "I'll bite, how'd she get them there?" He swore she tucked them in her armpit/wingpit and carried them up to her nest. We laughed but his daughter heard us and she swore she saw the hen doing it.

Now I have heard of hens stealing others eggs but I've never been sure how it was done. Is that it? Does the hen push them with her beak and tuck them into her armpit/wingpit? Or does Henny Penny really wear an apron with nice pockets just for that purpose?

Oh, and we compromised on nest box placement, 3 at floor level and 3 at 3'.
Hens can and do manage to move eggs and chicks by holding them tightly between their body and wings.

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