Do I have Fibromyalgia? Post your you cope..

I experience alot of joint and muscle pain along with chronic tension headaches. It can be very debilitating. I can control alot of it with Flexeril if I feel the tension building in my muscles early on and get the medicine in my system in time.
I have recently adopted more healthy eating habits and try to choose more natural foods and less process and pre-packaged items. It seems to have helped as well.
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My wife has fibromyalgia, and she has found that anti-depressants help to a degree. She still has the skalexan for the severe days, but I agree with the above post, seek out a rheumatologist and make sure it isn't something else.
Have not read every post so apologize if I'm repeating what anyone else has said.

I would recommend you see a physical therapist and an osteopath. Chiropractric works for many people, but generally utilizes high velocity mobilizations that do not work for everyone. Not all pt's are good with alignment issues so you may have to see a number of people before they can correct the problem.

It's possible that the headaches were related to a cervical vertebral alignment issue that could then have led to all the other pain. If your spine is out of alignment, muscles will overcompensate and you'll have all kinds of issues.

Most medical doctors are not conversant with alignment or muscul-skeletal issues and these will not show up on an MRI so you can end up with a fibromyalgia dx.

The fact that you were athletic and are now not exercising could also suggest that you need to do core strengthening. If the core muscles grow weak (especially notable when the abdominal muscles weaken causing back problems) your problems could very well be related to that.
Wonder if I should cancel the neurologist and try to get in with a rheumatologist? Between CT scans, surgery, MRI's and doctor visits the bills are adding up! It would save me a bundle of wasted time and money!
I was suffering with alot of your symptoms. Sometimes at night my legs would throb so badly I would cry. I gained 50 pounds, had headaches,stiff neck sore shouldars,I would get sugar rushes every few hours to the point where I went to be tested for Diabetes. Nothing seemed to help. Then my cousin sent me an email from a thyroid doctor. (Ihave hypothyroid). I had changed my medication a year before per a new doctor. I never realized or connected my symptoms with it. As I read this email about thyroid problems and the symptoms that it and the medications can cause I couldn't believe my eyes. Most of my symptoms where right there in black and white. I made an appointment and immediately went to see my doctor. She wasn't really impressed with my research but I insisted she change my medication. Within two days my smpyoms were gone. I can still remember riding to town with DH (this was always very painfull for me in the back and legs) as I got out of the truck I realized I didn't have any problems walking . I looked at him and said You won't believe this but I can walk without pain. Go to your doctor and discuss your symptoms But do some research It could be connected to your thyroid I thought I had FM as well Hope this helps the website is Disease. She writes a monthly newsletter all about thyroid disease and what you should know.
My DH has had FM for more than 10 years, and the nerve pain is unbearable some days. You all have my sympathy! I have other chronic problems and suffer from alot of the same symptoms.
One thing that really helps our energy levels is Co-enzyme Q-10. We each take 300 mg. daily, I read a study that said that was the most effective dose, and I have more energy now than I've had in years. It also seems to help with the brain fog, (at any rate, I no longer get lost in the grocery store). DH hasn't been taking it as long as I have but I think it's helping him too. Its a little pricy, but I order it from Puritan Pride when they have a good sale.
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There is so much more to FMS then the pain. Only those of us that have it understand. Medications and pain killers help to a point but for me life is very hard just to get out of bed. Feeling like I have the flu for me is a good day. I was blessed after 8 years I finally found a doctor who knew what I have. I had countless test after test. I would cry because doctors said I was fine. I knew something was wrong but nobody beilived me. My own husband thought since doctors said I was fine , all the sickness was in my head. After all nobody could be this sick all the time and not able to function. I miss out on so much , I have to miss things at my kids school because I just don't have the engery. I simply can't do it. Not to mention the brain fog. I have been places and then totally gotten confused and didn't know why I was there. My dog helps keep me grounded a bit and he even remembers where I parked the car. I hate comments from people because of my looks. I have been yelled at by older people when I use my parking. I have gotten dirty looks at Disneyland because I don't have to wait in lines, I also use my scooter which insurance covered for me 100%. More and more is being found out about FMS . It is one of the most disabling illnesses. I could not work if I wanted to, because I never know how bad I will be. My husband is alot better now , my doctor took alot of time explaining it to him. Plus my husband has seen me cry when I can't get up or walk up the stairs. I fall over , I loose balance , you name it. My husband thought I was crazy when I wanted a service dog , now he thinks it was the best thing I ever did. Allows me to go out and do things I otherwise would have a hard time doing. Also helps stablize me walking , best explained like holding someones hand. I tend to when I am with my kids I hold their shoulder, mainly because people in public are rude and hit me walking or stop in front of me which causes walking problems with me. I have to think about each and every step and where my foot is going. But by looking at me , you would never know it.
It is a invisable monster that takes away your life.
Oh also want to add. Support groups are great. I had never had so much warmth and understanding. So check out your area for support groups. I did the FMS walk this year and last year. I did not walk it but did raise money. My daughter has FMS and she is 10. They say it is because I have it. So their does appear to be a genetic link. I really hope they find a cure not only for me but my daughter. Seeing her cry in pain is so hard, that if I could take it away I would. Know your not alone, know that people can be ignorant sometimes so don't let their comments get to you. Be greatful they know more now then they did years ago. At least now doctor have proof FMS is real. They have brain scans to prove it. And if anyone ever needs to talk , I am here 100% for you.
I was also just diagnosed with Fibro/CFS. I have all the above symptoms to. I went to a neurologist for my diagnosis. They thought for a while I might have MS. I take Cymbalta for depression/pain and at night I take Lyrica. I also found from a company called Pro Health
Dietary Supplements called Fibro Freedom for aching muscle, tissue and joint support. Fibro Energy Formula for to fight fatigue, and an Fibro multi vitamin which really helps with the fibro fog I have. I can concentrate much better. It's alot to take but I can tell the difference.
The chickens are my distraction from the pain/depression, and help to keep me moving.


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