Do i need a different substrate for nest boxes?

Mar 4, 2019
Just set up my nest boxes.
I have hay in there and hay on my coop floor do I need to put something different in the nest box so the chickens don't lay randomly on the coop floor?
A diffrent material won't fix the laying habits. I personally like to use pine shavings, because they keep cleaner then hay, to get them to lay in ht nest boxes, put fake eggs in them. I fhtey see fake eggs, or easter eggs, they think, "hey, someone else played here, I should lay here too!" Hope this helps!
A diffrent material won't fix the laying habits. I personally like to use pine shavings, because they keep cleaner then hay, to get them to lay in ht nest boxes, put fake eggs in them. I fhtey see fake eggs, or easter eggs, they think, "hey, someone else played here, I should lay here too!" Hope this helps!
They haven't started yet(hopefully soon) was just checking to make sure.
Just set up my nest boxes.
I have hay in there and hay on my coop floor do I need to put something different in the nest box so the chickens don't lay randomly on the coop floor?
Ehhh, might not matter.
Especially if nests are above the floor level and they are easy to access.
Pics of your nests would help us help you here.
Fake egg in the nests will help, but new layers can lay all over the place when first starting.
Pictures are from security cameras so not the best.
Have fake eggs in two.
Mine almost always laid their first egg on the coop floor, and sometimes afterwards if their favorite box was occupied. So don't get discouraged if you see eggs there initially.

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