Do I need a house?

I will build them a house just for te fun of doing that
My concern would be predators too. It depends how your pen is built.

We built a coop because of predators. Our last flock lived in a pen and was completely wiped out. Now they live within the (we think and hope) impenetrable force.
Home now, is what is sold as a 10X10 dog from TSC. I have chicken wire across the top to keep out any flying threats and the other cover goes over top of that. Something could dig under but that would be so with any set up. I plan to move it one more time and double the area. When I do that I'll bury a barrier in the ground to keep out burrowing threats as well.
As long as the wire has small openings so raccoons and the like can't reach in, i would feel completely safe with that, especially after you do the underground barrier.

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