Do I NEED a roo?

Best roo we ever had was "Friendly Blu" not sure why kids named him that because he was a buff orp. :lol: but that roo would let my three year old pick him up and carry him around....he was more like his dog than a roo. That roo would follow him every where, and would come peck at the patio doors to get him to come out to roo we ever had, kids still talk about him all these years later...
No the males are black with a white spot on head as chicks as for the hens they are all black as chicks.As adults the sexlinks males will begin to take on the barred pattern more and may have a few orangish feathers with a gold glow
I believe the BSL pullets are black and the roosters are white.
is my cockerel
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If you want to hatch the eggs that your girls lay, of course you need a rooster.
They do come in handy when you live in an area that has a lot of predators, I have 4 roosters, and every time a hen wanders away from the flock; one of the roosters will lead them back into the yard.

I have always heard people say that "Roosters eat but don't lay", well some hens don't lay either, depending on the time of year and their age. But I guess that it's just a personal preference :)
No the males are black with a white spot on head as chicks as for the hens they are all black as chicks.As adults the sexlinks males will begin to take on the barred pattern more and may have a few orangish feathers with a gold glow

is my cockerel View attachment 1296703
That’s why I wasn’t sure if mine was a BSL roo because I got him when he was about 3 days old and his head was completely black, no white spot at all (see my earlier posts in this thread for pic).

Yours is a BSL roo? Very handsome!
No the males are black with a white spot on head as chicks as for the hens they are all black as chicks.As adults the sexlinks males will begin to take on the barred pattern more and may have a few orangish feathers with a gold glow

is my cockerel View attachment 1296703
OK - well, this one appears to have quite a bit of the barred rock pattern in his feathers - I still think he's a BSL rooster. He's very pretty!
I had a hoot owl break into a Coop yesterday, the rooster fought and lost his life...all my hens are still alive. I strongly urge you to have a rooster, I have driven 50 miles for a couple

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