Do I need a rooster???


8 Years
May 26, 2011
North Carolina
Hi I know I keep posting topics but I have alot of questions. I just got my chickens the other day!!

My question is I have 7 hens and I dont know if they would do better with a rooster or just have hens? I would prefer to just have hens because of previous things that roosters have done! LOL
Thanks everyone!
Either way works ok.

I have a flock without and one with.

It's nice to have fertile eggs but that's about the only advantage. Maybe he keeps them from fighting a little more.
teach1rusl is absolutely correct. You'll find your lead hen may be all you need. Take good care to tame her to your touch and you won't have any troubles again. Roosters are pretty but they may be overrated as a nescessity. and.....

Don't stop asking questions! It's a great community and you can find more answers here to the same questions. Lots of experts willing to share their knowlege and plain old common sense
to be learned. Some times you'll just kick yourself saying " Why didn't I figure that out?" Your questions in turn educate those to shy to ask. Just keep asking questions.
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Hi, I have 10 hens and 7 roosters. I have found that my hens prefer to be by themselves. The roosters are close and my hens tease them to no end, it drives the roosters crazy. So hens alone are just fine for me. They tend to follow me when I am in their run and thay let me touch once in a while. Hang in there, you'll be fine. Also giving them treats either by hand or placing it near you when you're in their run will help them get to know you.

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