Do I NEED a rooster?

I wish I could get a dog for there, but it just wouldn't really be fair to the dog, since there won't be people living on the property full time, at this point.

It does sound like roosters are neat animals, just trying to get more information before I make any decisions
I had a banty rooster with my standards and he lost his little life in a battle with a hawk
BUT all his girls lived and he went down fighting ...I loved him dearly, but this time decided to go with a big guy so that wouldn't happen. I wouldn't get a standard with banties. But I sure do love the 2 roos I have!! They are so funny! Especially when they try to impress the girlies!!
I would get a roo as well. The ones I have watch out for the girls, and let me know if someone is outside.
Also, I'm not saying this is a fact or anything, but I sold a roo to a friend and their pullets started laying eggs after they got him. It could be coincidence, but I'm just sayin'
Just an update -- we heard a distinct "cock a doodle doo" from one of our flock! Looks like we have ONE rooster after all!!
A rooster, in some cases, will TRY to protect his girls. some will, some won't. But I hope your little rooster will be okay. However, if no one will be living there, and the bantams will be out during the day, they won't last long. All the daytime problems, raccoons, etc, will be able to get over the wall, plus the hawks, etc, who will come down from above. A bantam rooster would have no chance against a hawk, no matter how good his tiny intentions are. As someone noted, their rooster gave his life to save his girls. This can happen. The hawk will get the rooster the first time, then when he is hungry again, he will pick off the hens one by one, also. One thing is that a rooster will sometimes cackle a warning, and you can run out and see what is wrong, but if you don't live there, that is out. Also, if there are bushes, or other things the chickens can get under, sometimes when the rooster sounds a warning, everyone will run to get under something and hide. A bush with low branches, etc. However, (and I speak from experience here) with no one there to chase him off when he gives a warning, the hawk will simply land and walk under the bush to get his dinner. I have a chicken pen, 6 ft tall, with netting over the top to keep the flying predators out.
I sure wouldn't want chickens until I was able to live there. Good Luck.
We do have a caretaker come by morning and night to feed and check on the chickens, and of course, I visit them whenever I am in town, but we do travel alot. I'm hoping that we find a live in caretaker for the horses and chickens when we move the horses in.
You don't need a roo but may are they great! We almost didn't get one but at the last minute we grabbed a little RIR roo and I am so glad we did. It is so cool to see that whole other layer of social structure added to the flock.
Roosters ARE a lot of fun to watch. If you toss out some treats, like corn, veggie scraps, etc, he will run over to it and start calling the girls, showing it to them rather than eating it himself. However, most roos, as they age, will get so they attack you, to protect their girls. This is mostly cute with a bantam roo, or a Silkie roo. I have a little Silkie roo who was someone's beloved pet till they had to get rid of him because of his crowing in town. I put him in with my full sized hens as their only roo, and he soon started attacking me every time I went into the pen. Trying to pet him just seemed to make him madder, humiliating him in front of his harem.

But his attacks didn't make much difference, just funny, sort of like being hit in the knee with a throw pillow, he is such a fuzzy little guy. But a full size rooster can really hurt you. Your little bantam roo won't be much trouble to you, tho, and will be a cutie when he gets mature enough to try to take care of his girls.

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