Do I NEED a rooster?

From some of the stories I've read on here about roosters, I'm glad he's going to be little!! Fortunately, since we've thought that he was a she, and she was easily identified as being bigger and a totally different color, he's gotten picked up alot. I was calling her/him "big mama" guess I'd better change that!
Looks like you are going to have to go to Big Daddy.
How exciting for you! My husband was absolutely against getting roosters. Eventually I wore him down to "Well, maybe....." and then when I ordered 25 chickens, I accidentally made 2 of those roosters
And I want you to know he LOVES those roosters. He reports daily every antic he saw and speaks about those roosters like they were his sons.

Our roosters guard the flock from danger, and herd them when they perceive it. They also look after their girls by insuring they share every tasty snack they find. Today my lesser rooster dug a nest for his favorite girls to lay eggs in! It was SOOOO sweet to watch.

You can certainly have hens and no roosters. But I'm happy for you that you have a rooster. I just wouldn't trade mine for the world.

Do you have pictures of the young stud?????


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