Do I need a Silkie?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 3, 2008
Houston 77023
I am the proud new owner of a Welsummer trio.

I thought I would have to get a Silkie if I ever wanted to hatch chicks. However, I also have a buff Orpington pullet. Do Orpington's get broody? Or do they also need a Silkie foster mom for their eggs? Thanks in advance for any advice. Dianne in Houston
Hi Neighbor! Of course you need a Silkie...everybody does! But seriously, I've heard Buff Orps are good broodies too, so you might have what you need. Every chicken is different though, so one Buff might go broody all the time, and another might never want to be a mom. I have 2 Buffs and 2 Silkies that are 4 months old so I don't have personal broodiness experience yet...hopefully soon
Okay, your going to laugh....I have a buff Orp. sitting on 19 Silkie, Sizzle and Showgirl eggs. She's hatched two Showgirls this morning. Maybe, all Silkie owners need a Orp!

I will not let them stay under "Big Momma", but to answer your question, my hatchery Orps do go broody.
Well, thanks for all the good and prompt replies! I do adore the silkies - every color. I will keep my eyes and ears open. 'cause once you already have 4, you can keep 5 standing on your head, right?

I was really lucky that the Welsummers and buff Orpington got along great when intro'd. Should I anticpate any problems with introducing a Silkie? If necessary, I can keep it separate until it's older. dianne

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