Do I need to start over?


In the Brooder
Mar 22, 2015
I got a new incubator on Friday (from Ebay) and ran it over the weekend to try working out the kinks in temp and humidity - basically trying to learn how to use it. It is an unbranded, forced air incubator. This is my first time incubating eggs.

I started 9 turkey and 2 duck eggs together Monday afternoon and added 2 duck eggs about 4 hours later. The temp was at 100.5 when I left work Monday afternoon and by the time I got home about 12 hours later my separate thermo/hygrometer read 118 F & 43% humidity. I got the temp back down to 100 and have been able to maintain 99.5 F and 70-75% humidity since then. I was reading that I should not maintain that high of a humidity, but I am wondering if the first night climbing to 118 would have ruined the eggs?

Should I throw them out and start over?
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I got a new incubator on ebay on Friday and ran it over the weekend to try workout the kinks in temp and humidity - basically trying to learn how to use it. It is an unbranded, forced air incubator.

I started 9 turkey and 2 duck eggs together Monday afternoon and added 2 duck eggs about 4 hours later. The temp was at 100.5 when I left work Monday afternoon and by the time I got home about 12 hours later my separate thermo/hygrometer read 118 F & 43% humidity. I got the temp back down to 100 and have been able to maintain 99.5 F and 70-75% humidity since then. I was reading that I should not maintain that high of a humidity, but I am wondering if the first night climbing to 118 would have ruined the eggs?

Should I throw them out and start over?
I'd give them a week to check for growth, as you don't know how long it was at that temp. Maybe you caught it early enough. Realistically chances are low if it was that temp for any length of time, but I'm a hopeful and would give a week to see. And yes, that humidity is very high for the first 17 days.
yeah I was thinking I might wait for the 7 day candling before tossing them, but figured I would ask more experienced people first :D thanks!

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