Do I really have to keep chicks in brooder for 6 weeks?

Meanwhile mine are way overdue to be outside and I'm still working on the enclosure. I have put in about 20 hrs and I feel like I got nowhere. Most of that time was getting the rabbits situated(and they still are not completely situated) because in order to do what I needed to do they needed work first. I'm doing it by myself and I work 60 hours a week. Time and weather have not been kind. So they have taken over my bathroom, literally. I gave up on the brooder completely. I built them a roost and they free range in the bathroom--what a mess. Sometimes I want to cry. I might have to demolish the bathroom..just kidding, I keep it as clean as possible and after a couple hours it will be back to normal.

Everytime I think my plans are solid, another predator comes up that I physically see. I might as well just build concrete walls with concrete 3 ft under at this point. I feel so responsible for their well being and need to do the best I can.

I can not wait to take a long hot bath and that I will do after the ducks are not living in the tub!!
Here they are--tomorrow I'm bringing some weeds and dirt in for them. They have been outside but now they are to big and trying to get them in and out takes a long time. I can't fit the pekin in the carrier anymore...


You have got to get them out. Don't worry about it being perfect!

Meanwhile mine are way overdue to be outside and I'm still working on the enclosure. I have put in about 20 hrs and I feel like I got nowhere. Most of that time was getting the rabbits situated(and they still are not completely situated) because in order to do what I needed to do they needed work first. I'm doing it by myself and I work 60 hours a week. Time and weather have not been kind. So they have taken over my bathroom, literally. I gave up on the brooder completely. I built them a roost and they free range in the bathroom--what a mess. Sometimes I want to cry. I might have to demolish the bathroom..just kidding, I keep it as clean as possible and after a couple hours it will be back to normal.

Everytime I think my plans are solid, another predator comes up that I physically see. I might as well just build concrete walls with concrete 3 ft under at this point. I feel so responsible for their well being and need to do the best I can.

I can not wait to take a long hot bath and that I will do after the ducks are not living in the tub!!
It's not even close to being secure. The wire isn't even up. It's wide open. I'm going to try to get as much done as possible this weekend. I'm way stressed out right now.

I'm sorry. I wish I could come help you even tho I have no skills! lol I just know that them destroying your bathroom in your home and stressing you is not worth it! I mean they are wonderful and all but not if they are going to ruin your house! Mine isn't totally secure and we do have coyotes.
I'm sorry. I wish I could come help you even tho I have no skills! lol I just know that them destroying your bathroom in your home and stressing you is not worth it! I mean they are wonderful and all but not if they are going to ruin your house! Mine isn't totally secure and we do have coyotes.

You could always sell them on Craigslist and start over when ur ready with the coop. It's great you raised them and kept them safe but you don't need to do all this if it's too much right now.
You could always sell them on Craigslist and start over when ur ready with the coop. It's great you raised them and kept them safe but you don't need to do all this if it's too much right now.

Your pictures look like they are in a fence? Can you leave them in the fence during the day? My big hens free range and the little ones are in a short fence during the day and the coop at night. There is an element of risk of course in not having them in a cage but we feel like their lives are pretty sweet having a more natural freedom.

And we haven't lost any.
Now I have to cut the grass-another project i was
Your pictures look like they are in a fence? Can you leave them in the fence during the day? My big hens free range and the little ones are in a short fence during the day and the coop at night. There is an element of risk of course in not having them in a cage but we feel like their lives are pretty sweet having a more natural freedom.

And we haven't lost any.

It's a tunnel for cats. I can't explain it. The last 3 days have been awful with rain. They wouldn't be covered.

I'm going to work on it after work on Sat and all day Sun to get as much done as possible. I will have them out there with me while I'm working.

My son is coming over for an hour Sunday--I'm trying for two -three hours. I'm going to bribe him. He just bought a house and I have stuff he needs and can have for free if he helps...

I will get this done the right way.
I got 13 chicks this year and most of them are going on 2 weeks this weekend. They are getting crowded in the bin I've been keeping them in in the mud room so I'm thinking of a good next step... garage w newspaper and maybe baby pool? I've seen lots of posts on baby chicks in small brooders but hardly anything on how to manage them when they are 2-6 weeks.

Do I really have I keep them in the garage for 6 weeks if it's warm outside? I feel like they are going to get so bored and it will be a huge mess.

Anyone have a better solution?

Thank you!
i love to brood mine with a broody hen. usually they are outside on day one. we pulled theminside this time because mom is good, but not very protective and the chicks were getting pecked

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