Do mandarin ducks move around in the egg before hatching?


Apr 23, 2023
Hi, I’ve been incubating my mandarin duck eggs for roughly 30 days now and I have not seen the egg move at all. I have not candled it since week 2. Is there a chance that it hatched still? Also do mandarin duck eggs usually shake around before they hatch? Thanks
Not all ducklings will move in the shell before they start pipping/hatching. It takes roughly 30 days for Mandarin ducklings to hatch, sometimes a little more. What is the temp and humidity? How many eggs are there, what incubator are you using? When did you put the eggs in lockdown? If you see that none of the eggs are pipping after 48hrs of hatch day, quickly but carefully candle the eggs to see any movement. It may take a little over 24hrs for one to completely hatch.

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