do meat birds need direct sun??


10 Years
Mar 2, 2009
central ohio
have not bought meat birds yet-I am figuring out where to put them(don't want to do tractor for couple of reasons) and am considering making a small inside area in my layers shed where they would have 12' x4' outside run. but this would be on the shady side of shed. would them not having direct sunlight be an issue?
Thanks-I have not investigated lots yet and will only have 8 or less birds to begin with and the place they will be will be predominently outside uncovered(except for chicken wire top) and I thought about it and will make an extension of a couple of feet so they can see morning sun. It seems you learn by screwing up so I will jump in soon with what I have and make changes as I learn. but in the meantime I will have some chickens to hopefully eat.
they will have a small section of the layers shed with an opening to their outside run. i have a shed thats got a "room" made for layers and they have windows and an opening to their 2 runs on the sunny side. I change my mind hourly on how to do the meat bird run. but like I said they will have a small strawed in area
in the shed that will go to their multi-positional run. Need to learn to use my camera and then I could show someone my ugly pen.

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