Noticed my birds were losing a lot of feathers and pruning a lot recently and now they have bald patches on their neck. I’ve looked them over many times to see if I see anything but I never do, while I was looking their feathers were literally coming out or breaking as I was parting the feathers, they are also losing a lot of feathers on their back now and I have no rooster in that pen so it’s not from breeding. They have a dust bathing area which they use frequently. My birds usually molt in the fall but it’s the middle of summer so I wasn’t sure if it could be that or not. I’ve never had a problem with lice before so I wanted to make sure that’s what it is, I have Permethrin 10 concentrate but I was also wondering if there is a treatment I can put on their skin, like a dog/cat flea treatment, that would take care of the lice or mites?