Do my hens think I am a rooster?


9 Years
Sep 18, 2010
I bring them food, I show them where to go and what to do, they have never seen an actual rooster, or adult chicken for that matter (bought them as babies from a feed store) and now two of them, when I try to pet them, instead of running, crouch onto the ground and sort of lay their wings apart towards the ground and sit there and enjoy me petting them. I believe I have read that this is the position they assume when mating. I would not say they are otherwise tame and want to be held or something. They all come running when I approach the pen because they want food, and they croon and sing towards me. What do you think? Oh, and we also got our first egg this morning, you can see pictures/story on my blog at

You're a combination of a HUGE rooster (yes, they squat to mate) and that GIANT who brings them food.
Congrats on your first egg!

And yes, your hens are squatting for you. You are their rooster. A quick pat on the back and a "good girl" usually satisfies them.
Awwww! Mine do that too even though they have a roo around. I'm sure a chicken behavior specialist will post soon, but I always just. Let them and pat their little backs and send them on their merry way!
Thanks you all. I might get a rooster one day, because I do think they'd behave more naturally with him, but I have little children and I'd like them to be older before I introduce one.

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