Do my hens think I am a rooster?

Yep yep, you are right on track. Roosters point out nice things to eat, just like you. Roosters show them nice places to nest, just like you. Roosters keep the peace in the flock and intervene in fights, just like you. They're squatting so you can mate them, it's a sign of respect and trust in you. it's pretty much the highest form of chicken flattery.

You can cement your bond with them by giving their backs a quick ruffle and pat, it makes them deeply happy. Also, it helps you not get pecked when it comes time to collect eggs.

I know that roosters are much rougher, so don't worry about bothering them with the patting. You're a gentle lover compared to a roo!
I call it the rooster rub down. My hens squat and stomp their feet whenever I approach and then crowd me looking for attention. I give them a ruffle of the neck feathers and then gently pinch the base of their tail feathers. I do have some hens in that run that are not very friendly. When I catch them they get a gentle rub down as well. It settles them down and they become more manageable.

The foot stomping is a riot though.

When they had roosters in with them they never behaved like this.
I have always seen it as a sign that my hens are "lonely" LOL. They only do it when we don't have a rooster around. Well, I sort of have a rooster, but he is a teensy tiny Japanese cross and can't mate most of my big girls, poor guy. I think I may have to get another rooster just so I won't be tripping over my girls when I am trying to work! Mine are free range, so they can follow me everywhere, LOL.
I do think not having one around takes away something from them. And it's not like you can (or would want to, because there would go the eggs ) spay them to take away the urge. But I'm worried about aggressive roosters with having small children. And what do you do with all the baby chicks? I am not interested in developing a huge flock of chickens--I have 9 already and that's enough. I do think the flock will grow because I'll want to try new breeds, etc. And I am not opposed to eating them either, in theory at least!
ella&clara :

I do think not having one around takes away something from them. And it's not like you can (or would want to, because there would go the eggs ) spay them to take away the urge. But I'm worried about aggressive roosters with having small children. And what do you do with all the baby chicks? I am not interested in developing a huge flock of chickens--I have 9 already and that's enough. I do think the flock will grow because I'll want to try new breeds, etc. And I am not opposed to eating them either, in theory at least!

I agree completely, if you don't need babies, or don't live in an area with a huge number of hawks, roosters are unecessary stressors on the hens. Sometimes you get a good one who is gentle, but more often than not you're inheriting unecessary headaches. With the 3am wakeup calls, the painfully bald and scratched backs of the hens, the aggression towards humans, etc; it doesn't seem worth it unless you want chicks. I don't personally think the hens are better off having their feathers ripped out on a daily basis, or accidentally being spurred to death during a clumsy mating. If all you want is eggs, then just give your hens an occasional pat, and they'll be perfectly happy.

BUT, I've only ever been exposed to aggressive roos when I was growing up on my parents' farm. I have seen posts from a lot of people here that have been blessed with wonderful roosters, so maybe one day when I get a property big enough, I'll give them another try.​
Roosters are good for a whole lot more than just mating.

The first time you see one break up a knock down drag out fight between two hens you'll be awed, I was. They are peackeepers, protectors and providers. Chicks don't have to happen if you don't want any; even if you have a roo.

I totally agree!

One of my 18 week old BCM did that for me last night, but was NOT satisfied with a quick pat on the back, she sat there and then glared at me when I stopped petting her. Then she hopped in my lap for more attention.
ella&clara :

I do think not having one around takes away something from them. And it's not like you can (or would want to, because there would go the eggs ) spay them to take away the urge. But I'm worried about aggressive roosters with having small children. And what do you do with all the baby chicks? I am not interested in developing a huge flock of chickens--I have 9 already and that's enough. I do think the flock will grow because I'll want to try new breeds, etc. And I am not opposed to eating them either, in theory at least!

Just because you have a rooster doesn't mean you have to have a bunch of little chicks running around. Just continue collecting eggs every day.​

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