Do not try this


Not to bad , unless they are dangling . LOL

Yeah, my chicken stole food right off my guest's plate when she wasn't paying attention. Miss Hen got such goodies that she wouldn't leave that particular guest alone after that!
Pasta and pullets sound like something that should go on the recipe thread. Don't let your six your old go outside with a grilled cheese sandwich in his hand...he will come in crying and you will have to make a new one. Chickens think six year olds are treat factories.
mom'sfolly :

Pasta and pullets sound like something that should go on the recipe thread. Don't let your six your old go outside with a grilled cheese sandwich in his hand...he will come in crying and you will have to make a new one. Chickens think six year olds are treat factories.

Pasta and pullets. Translate it into French or Spanish and we now have a fancy name for chicken and noodles.

I would do it but my French is pretty rusted. Spanish is even worse.​
Don't wear your husband's tennis shoes that he wore when he kicked the turkey for bowing up at him. The turkey will remember the shoes and not care who's wearing them. I now have a three inch scar on the back of my leg. Inky has a personal vendetta against those shoes.

My chickens like to peck at the rivets on my jeans. It's funny to watch them try to pull them off. I had one eat my earring once. It's probably long lost in the yard somewhere.
Do not sit outside eating a bowl of cereal(and milk) with a bunch of banties who are learning how to fly...

I ended up with Frosted Mini-birds instead of Mini-Wheats.

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