Do not try this

:eek:... or freckles!!!


(are you ok?)
LOL ..I read this about 4 times like this:

"do not go in the chicken coop ...or run wearing shorts... having chigger bites on your legs"

..and could not, for the life of me, figure out why not go in the chicken coop ....or why wearing shorts while running was bad ..and so on


So.. did the chickens remove your chigger bites, after all?

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LOL...a floor length gauze skirt put my chickens over the 6 foot fence one day. No fear of me being attacked, but they were sure they were facing something threatening.

There was no chance of catching them with that skirt on either, I had to go change back into jeans.

Later for work.....I don't think my boss believed my excuse.

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