Do pullets chest bump?

Yes, I have the waterer with poultry nipples and two cake pans of cold water for them in their run. I have been putting fresh basil and mint in their water. They girls ( i hope) love fresh mint!
I wanted to let them free range in our yard, but my husband is worried about hawks. We want to be to grow a little more to be sent out on their own.
Update: Chicks between 10-12 weeks old.

Everyone is trained to go in their coop at night. No one tries to fly at me. They have settled in and go in their coop and run at dusk like clockwork. No flashlight needed!

Cinnamon, my Welsummer is the top hen. She rallies everyone in the coop.

Ginger, the BO is definitely a she! Yay! She has become the sweetest chick ever. 🥰
She is docile, easy to pick up and comes running to me when I call her name!

I have been letting them loose in our garden and they seem to really enjoy themselves eating bugs, leaves and such. They are really good hunters.
I have been feeding them a few oats as a treat and they all come rally around me in the garden.

It has been fun to see them grow........Infact both Cinnamon and Ginger has started their clucking as they move around the garden. Tinnie is still peeping........

Thank you everyone!
Okay, I am keeping an eye out. We shall see. At what age do roosters start crowing?

Update: Everyone has learned to go to their coop at night, including the BO. They all follow the Welsummer. I started leaving a flashlight at dusk in the coop, and Cinnamon, my Welsummer who is 9 weeks old, went in there and started roosting.

For the past couple of days, they all have been following her in during dusk. I have been saying "coop time" and leave the flashlight in the coop until they are all settled on the roost. I try not to rattle them too thats working!

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