Do pullets chest bump?


May 10, 2020
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
I have a flock of 5 pullets. They are between 6-8 weeks old. Recently, Ginger, my BO pullet is chest bumping with the other girls. She starts hopping in the run and then starts pecking at Tinnie, my Dark Brahma, she is 6 weeks old. My other breeds are a Welsummer, Australorp and Cuckoo Maran. The welsummer is also chest bumping and puffing her feathers.

Last night the Ginger, my BO, flew right at me, while I was putting them in their coop at night. Everyone seems to go up the ladder to their coop but Ginger is the defiant one. She likes to hang around in her run.

Do I roosters or do hens chest bump as well to establish their pecking order? I am a newbie!
My boyfriend has had a few of our chicks fly at him around dusk. One Ameraucana last year, and one Favaucana (Ameraucana + Faverolles Easter Egger) this year. We interpreted this as just them acting on two instincts: seeking to be as high as possible for nighttime and seeking the protection of their big "roo" when scary nighttime happens. We've always thought it was the cutest thing, but we discourage it by putting them into the coop b/c we don't want them getting injured on the flight up (or us, if they were to land on our faces!) or just having him not be in the run when it starts to turn dark outside.

Perhaps that is what your BO is doing? Trying to roost on you for the night?

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