Do Quails need a Nest Box Like Chickens

Habibs Hens

Cream Legbar Keeper
7 Years
Mar 31, 2012
London, UK
My Coop
My Coop
as the title says

im building my quail pens and wanted to know do they need next boxes like hens do

I read they desire hideouts

so could I just build a hideaway and they can use that as nesting

Im real confused as I am getting mixed info
I gave them a nest box, so they could have some space that isn't wire and they do lay their eggs in there. but be prepared to clean it often. I line it with cardboard to make it easier to clean.
My cots are in a solid bottomed cage for the moment with shavings for litter, they scratch rough nests out in the shavings under the plastic igloos they have for hides. I find most of their eggs under there but I also find them laid randomly around the cage where ever the hen happened to be standing.
I have a large square glass jar for a dust bath that I will use as a place for them to get off the wire as well when we switch to wire floor cages, I'm sure they will lay there too.
Over turned flower pots or buckets with mouse holes cut in them make great nesting areas. Not all quail will use them however, but some like a hidey to lay eggs in. It can promote broodiness in quail. Add some soft grass hay for nest making and they will enjoy it.

Couple of examples of nest building by quail...

cheers for the answers

I decided to build a closed off area that's not mesh

if they lay in there great if not no worries

at least they have a closed area

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