Do Raccoons Eat Toes?


Mar 15, 2015
I have a small coop that is raised off the floor outside. I have half inch hardware cloth on the bottom and chicken wire on the sides. I noticed one morning that a chicken of mine was bleeding by his head and thought he was pecked. Then I noticed some are missing toes! I looks like some dirt under the coop is disturbed. Could this be the work of a racoon, rats or possums?
They will grab and chew at any body part that falls within their reach. I once had a very large coon kill and dismember a pair of pigeons through inch by half inch wire. The next night he made the mistake of entering a box trap.
They will grab and chew at any body part that falls within their reach.  I once had a very large coon kill and dismember a pair of pigeons through inch by half inch wire.  The next night he made the mistake of entering a box trap.

So it probably was a racoon then. **** that sucks. I just finished setting up a box trap. I put some chocolate, marshmallows and bread with honey in there. Any thing else you think I should put in?
I have dog food? If that's no good I guess I'm going to the store
That should work too, raccoons aren't too picky
I always used canned tuna fish.  It worked every time.  I guess cat food is smelly too.

Do the chickens have a place to get away from the floor until you catch the raccoon?

I have a little roost pole but they don't use it. I sent a vendor of mine an email, I'm going to install a drain pan underneath the coop. This will block predators from the bottom and allow me to catch the poop and use it as fertalizer
Hope you catch your predator!! Raccoons eat anything!! Another human way to kill them in minutes is to take the liquid flie poison that is like laundry detergent and mix in some mointain dew and marsh mallows. It quick and humane.
Hope you catch your predator!! Raccoons eat anything!! Another human way to kill them in minutes is to take the liquid flie poison that is like laundry detergent and mix in some mointain dew and marsh mallows. It quick and humane.
The problem with setting out sweet, fragrant poison is that dogs and potentially endangered species also like it. With a trap, you can dispatch the animal under your control. Whereas with poisoning, you could send some little kid's dog home to die and not even know it! Depending on where you live, setting out a poison like that may be illegal as well

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