Do Silkie Bantams make good pets?

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Are you adding to your current flock? Or starting a new one?

Silkies can be fairly nice, like all chickens some are, some aren't! Chickens in general live 3-10 years depending on a ton of factors, I believe 5-7 is fairly normal. My Cochins were always extremely sweet (my silkies it varied more, but individuals vary a LOT)

Are you buying an adult, or a chick? How old are they? How many are you buying?
Great questions. I'm buying to keep as a pet. I'm getting it as a chick from online...which by the way poses another issue which is that they want me to buy minimum 5 and that's an impossibility. I don't have room for 5 chickens, 2 quails and 2 dogs in my NYC apartment and nor do I want such a huge commitment. With that said, are u aware of any online sites that would allow me to purchase just 1 or 2?
Great questions. I'm buying to keep as a pet. I'm getting it as a chick from online...which by the way poses another issue which is that they want me to buy minimum 5 and that's an impossibility. I don't have room for 5 chickens, 2 quails and 2 dogs in my NYC apartment and nor do I want such a huge commitment. With that said, are u aware of any online sites that would allow me to purchase just 1 or 2?
What's made you decide on a chicken? I feel like maybe a rabbit or a cat would work better for your life :D chickens are very social and need 2 (in my opinion, 3) for a minimum group, plus having access to yard, sun, grass, all makes a pretty happy bird. House birds are a thing and they can lead insanely happy lives but I feel like a rabbit or something would a much easier and better suited pet! Buying chickens online generally require wayyyy more than a minimum order of 5, I'm actually surprised you found that :0 generally people buy chickens to become a flock or add to a flock (taking into account for like losses and unwanted cockerels as well!)
At the moment I don't have any other chickens. Oh, I forgot to mention one thing...I live in an apartment in the city and so he's going to be sleeping with me, literally in the same bed. Therefore, I would prefer a chicken that is not going to make too much noise, that doesn't poop too much (perhaps the smaller the breed the smaller the poop?) and who loves receiving tons of affection.
@ForTheLoveOfSilkies what's that face for though? Hahaha.
Silkies are fairly dumb, most smarter breeds (like say buttercups) tend to be a little more flighty and come with 'smart bird issues', if you don't mind me asking why do you want an intelligent chicken? : D
My Silkie hen grabbed a long piece of grass out young pullets beak and pulled it out! Saved its life from crop issues!! How's that not smart!?
My Silkie hen grabbed a long piece of grass out young pullets beak and pulled it out! Saved its life from crop issues!! How's that not smart!?
I don't think I ever said all silkies were dumb, but I've had many over the years. The particular intelligence of silkies also isn't the point I was trying to make, more so why they're looking for a bird particularly that is intelligent, like are they going to train them to do tricks? I am curious
I don't think I ever said all silkies were dumb, but I've had many over the years. The particular intelligence of silkies also isn't the point I was trying to make, more so why they're looking for a bird particularly that is intelligent, like are they going to train them to do tricks? I am curious
Ok yeah, you can train a Silkie to jump up to your lap or something like that but not flips or rolling over I should think 🤣 ... A cat is a better option for an indoor pet, can you train them to roll over?
What's made you decide on a chicken? I feel like maybe a rabbit or a cat would work better for your life :D chickens are very social and need 2 (in my opinion, 3) for a minimum group, plus having access to yard, sun, grass, all makes a pretty happy bird. House birds are a thing and they can lead insanely happy lives but I feel like a rabbit or something would a much easier and better suited pet! Buying chickens online generally require wayyyy more than a minimum order of 5, I'm actually surprised you found that :0 generally people buy chickens to become a flock or add to a flock (taking into account for like losses and unwanted cockerels as well!)
Why a chicken? Well, I've been raising chickens as pets since I was a child in Puerto Rico. In case u were wondering, I cared for them all on my own and did a darn good job at it. They all lived full happy lives, except the last one whom I lost tragically. Anyway, I don't want a rabbit or a cat. Already had them as pets and the rabbits are boring and the cats I just don't trust. Lol. So, I did find a site where it does allow u to purchase min 5 or even min 3, depending on the breed. Now with what u're telling though I think I'm going to have to resort to plan B and hope they accept. I'll purchase the minimum, take what I need and donate the rest to them. Yup, sounds like a plan. Thank u for ur help. Appreciate it.
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