Do silkies get along with other chickens?


In the Brooder
May 13, 2020
Fremont CA
I was planning on getting more chicks. I was planning on getting two bigger types of birds. I was wondering though if they would get along with my two 4 month old silkies? They are eventually going to get bigger to them even if they are younger so would they still get along? Or should I get a separate cage for my silkies? I am scared that the other chickens will attack the silkies since they are tiny birds.
I've kept silkies with the rest of my breeds for years. I currently have 8 silkies mixed in with 9 other breeds. The silkies aren't at the top of the pecking order, but certainly get along just fine with everyone else. Regular introduction rules will still apply, but you shouldn't have any extra issues due to breed.
I've kept silkies with the rest of my breeds for years. I currently have 8 silkies mixed in with 9 other breeds. The silkies aren't at the top of the pecking order, but certainly get along just fine with everyone else. Regular introduction rules will still apply, but you shouldn't have any extra issues due to breed.

Okay thank you! It’s just that one of my chickens used to attack my tiniest silkie. So I’m just worried.
Really depends on individual birds. Silkies can get picked on because they look different and are often more docile, but that doesn't guarantee you'll have problems. At the same time, it does mean you need to be more on your toes in case there are issues, and have a plan just in case things don't work out well (i.e. adding a separate enclosure).

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