Do some chickens NOT poop during the night?


May 17, 2020
Sacramento, CA
I have been noticing lately that there is not as much poop in the coop during the night. Is this normal? Some mornings I see alot in there, and some mornings hardly any. Could it be because it's winter, or what?
I have been noticing lately that there is not as much poop in the coop during the night. Is this normal? Some mornings I see alot in there, and some mornings hardly any. Could it be because it's winter, or what?
It can vary.
Do you have a poop board?
Generally get more poop in the coop in the winter, because mine are roosting by 4:00 and staying on the roost until nearly 7:00. In the summer, they won't be roosting until 9 and off by 5:00. A lot less time to poop in one spot.

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