Do squirrels steel chicken eggs

I never thought they would, but I saw it the other day! A squirrel was running over the top of the barn and jumped into a tree, stopped and turned and looked at me, with one of my BLUE Ameraucana eggs in it's mouth.

Now I have another predator to contend with. At least the egg will improve the taste of squirrel and dumplings when DH thinks he is fat enough to shoot!! Yes, we eat squirrel.

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...say it ain't so I really will have to keep an eye one on the pesky huge fox squirrel that gets on my porch and messes with stuff (plants etc.) . neighbors love squirrel
..I've never seen them in the coop though.

edited for spelling.
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Well, this just figures.
I *just* walked back in the house from checking on two of my younger girls who are scratching around under the bushes by the porch. The baby squirrel (well, I guess he's not a BABY, but he's still very small) that I've been seeing around was hanging on the tree about 4 feet away, amiably pretending to understand and care what I was talking about to him. Darn it, I just want to be nice to (almost) everything!

My daughter and I were supervising my new hens when we let them out to free-range for the first time the other night..I was mid-sentence when a fox ran across the neighbors driveway and into the woods behind my property.

When we let the girls back out yesterday afternoon, there was a freshly shed snakeskin lying at the bottom of my back steps. The third one we've found in the yard since Saturday.

In the paper yesterday, we were informed that there are two dogs roaming the area that killed a rabid raccoon and it's unknown whether or not they'd been vaccinated.

My daughters and I spent much of our time outside with the girls last night getting in some target shooting while they ranged...
THAT explains why I've been short a few eggs these past few days. I've been getting between 9-12 eggs per day, and now, it's about 5-8 eggs per day...

Since I've noticed the squirrels, I've caught 15 of them in the past few days in a cage just outside of the coop. I NEVER imagined that these lil' suckers were swiping my hen's eggs! I figured they were just after the feed.

On a side note, my hen house is stinky for the first time. I now believe that these squirrels have used the "potty" inside the coop. Until now, it has NEVER smelled bad in there. Now, it is gross! Coincidence, I think NOT!!!


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