My friend brought me some eggs today, but I don't think they're too terribly promising. He's new to the whole backyard poultry thing and I'm just starting to try out incubation. He brought them to me 'cause I wanted to test my knowledge, so it's kind of a test I guess. Problem is, he's not sure but he thinks they may have endured a cold snap where it was warm and then suddenly got cold and the parents weren't sitting on them. :/ .. So I kinda doubt these are viable eggs but I'm no candling expert. I think he said they were from his Toulouse pair.
Can someone a little more experienced than me tell if these eggs are viable? He thinks they were laid on the 13th, so they're roughly 8 days old. I've personally never candled goose eggs before, mine are too young to be laying right now.
Can someone a little more experienced than me tell if these eggs are viable? He thinks they were laid on the 13th, so they're roughly 8 days old. I've personally never candled goose eggs before, mine are too young to be laying right now.