Do turkey hens lay like a chicken?

I hope I can add a question to this. My Turkey hen ( I have a tom as well) lays in two different spots which I thought was odd. But as far as them going broody, does this mean that if I leave her eggs in one of the spots that she lays them she will sit on them after she gets a few? I get one every other - every two days. I am just worried that the tom will crush them. Should I put back the two that I have taken from her over the last two days?
Well, ive never heard of leaving a cache will make them go broody but if it does, i would combine the 2 nests, i dont think a tom would crush the eggs as they dont sit on the eggs i believe....or really go near the nest other then maybe guard the hen... sorry if im incorrect
My Bourbon Reds and Royal Palms give me an egg at least every other day. the eggs are typically larger than chicken eggs and my girls' eggs are speckled. When they first start laying the eggs tend to be smaller and "get up to size" as the bird matures. Both my breeds like to sneak off (we free range all our birds) and lay in secret nests. We keep an eye out for girls coming out of the woods and then follow them the next rotation to find the nest. After we've found the nest we just check it each day for eggs. We alternate free ranging so as to ensure a pure breed.
We have 10 Blue slate hens and we are getting 4-7 eggs a day. I have been trying to raise turkeys for 2-3 years now and from my experience if yu pull their eggs every day they won't go broody and they will keep laying.

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