Do we have a shot at this working? Re: My Dad (again!)


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
Okay, so I've been trying to plan a trip to see my Dad for the past year or so. He's 87 and lives in Florida. Problem is, my animals and sometimes my health keep me here. Plus there's the hassle of finding someone to pick me up at the airport in Tampa and take me to my Dad's house, like an hour or so away, then drive me back to the airport. Far be it for my sister to drive to the airport, but anyhow that's another rant.
I've spoken with my Dad several times about coming out for a visit to see us instead, all expenses paid by us. He won't fly. Sorry Chief Petty Officer Dad but they don't have submarine service between Florida and Arkansas. He's too old to tolerate the trip by greyhound and the zillion stops they make. No train service here. He can't drive this far and I'm not physically able to drive to Florida with a quick turnaround back to Arkansas.
So...Dad calls me the other day to ask about the weather. Then he asks how my animals are doing. He says he'd like to see our farm someday. I told him he could see the farm for himself, if only he'd fly out here. Many times I've told him that we have a place for him right here on this farm should he ever need to give up living alone. Not in the house with us, we could set him up a mobile home on the property, where I'd be close by.
This time when I mention him flying out here he doesn't argue with me. He doesn't tell me it'll be a cold day in Hawaii. He just laughs and says maybe someday.
Now I know Dad is lonely right now. His girlfriend just had hip surgery, so they can't be going out each night painting the town red.
Dad seems to think alot of my DH. They've only met once, on our 2007 trip to Florida, but they got along well. I told DH that I would like him to call Dad sometime this week and use every persuasion he has to convince Dad to come out here for a visit. For me and my Dad it's an old battle. The more I push, the more he pushes back.
Coming from DH though....think it might work? One super stubborn man to another?
Aww! your in such a hard spot..

Yeah, i'd ask DH if he'd ask your dad to come over... i bet that will help sway him.
Is he worried about leaving his girlfriend? maybe thats some of the reason?

forgot to ask..where in Florida is he?
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Maybe if your DH plays the "Poor Grit" card? You know, "Sir, I just don't know what to do. She is pining away for you, blah, blah, blah. She really could use the help around here." Make it a conspiracy between the MEN. Does that make sense? Not that you are pining or weak or anything like that. But that way it isn't a battle between stubborn people (you and your dad, your DH and your dad), but rather a them ganging up on you sort of thing. Play the Weak Woman Card when you have to, you know?
That's exactly what I'm thinking. Truthfully, as Brooklyn-born city boy I think Dad is kinda interested in seeing farm animals close up and personal. Can't get much more personal than grabbing an egg from under a hen's butt.

Red, my dad lives in Sebring, Central Florida.
Don't suppose you've got a project that needs doing that your Dad happens to have mad skills at??

Parents do have this uncanny knack for liking to be needed... add in that it's a man and you can double that...

Just a couple thoughts, but I'd prolly go that route... then again I'm the crafty one... and I doubt they call me that because of my artwork.
Nah, I doubt that's the issue. She has no problem going off to see HER kids and leaving Dad behind.
Don't even get me started on her. I'd call her a name not allowed on BYC and it would still be a nicer name than what my sisters call her.
Shoulda known something wasn't right when years ago (when they started dating) the old guys from the VFW called my sister to warn her that dear old dad was dating "a loose woman".

By the way, I am my dad's only natural child. My siblings are his step-children.
Hey! Maybe we can offer him a ride-along with DH in his patrol car to sweeten the pot?
Sweeten the pot... I love it!

Does he happen to have a favorite food?? Or... is there some site near y'all he always wanted to see... or ... ?

Well, the USS Razorback (a submarine) is docked in Little Rock.
As far as cooking for him. My dad was a cook in the navy for 20 years. If he comes here I'll have to actually cook something edible. And he'll insist on making his cheesecake at least once and then he'll clean my oven...with brillo pads.

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