Do yo feed Your flock KITCHEn scraps...

They get daily kitchen scraps - we eat a ton of veggies so all the carrot/celery/radish/parsnip/cucumber tops and skins etc go to them (unless I need to make broth, then we get those first lol). They LOVE brussels sprouts the most and will literally run each other over when they realize it's there. Ours are in a secured run 24/7 due to the amount of predators in the area so they don't have the ability to forage; in the summer they get all the garden weeds too.
Why not bread? It's grains. I feed the scraps listed coffee grounds they go in the composter) and our hens love grapes. Does anyone know of any issues with grapes?

I’m aware of no issues with grapes. My flock got a few bunches yesterday. I guess if you have babies, the grapes may need to be cut up?
I try to avoid bread and bean products. Or stuff with lots of sugar.

But there are many things you can give them.

Sometimes its kind of a chore to remember all the 'don't feed' items. I have to keep this list for both ducks and rabbits.

I have a "do not feed to rats" list and just apply it to chickens as well, it's close enough.

I also don't feed bread but 1) I rarely eat bread at all and 2) my chickens won't eat it.

My flock is more likely to get garden scraps than kitchen scraps. As I pull stuff out of the garden for lunch or dinner I'll toss in items they like. If I'm harvesting tomatoes, imperfect ones go to chickens. Carrots, I toss them the tops and keep the carrot itself. Etc.
I feed back egg shells and chicken-safe scraps.
My girls are persnickity about their vege scraps - no brocolli, cabbage, hard carrot tops. They love leafy greens, squash seeds, tomatoes, grapes, beef fat scraps (a treat!). They didn't like uncooked chicken hearts, gizzards (not surprising). Still testing new things. Question: When I make stock from a chicken carcass, carrots, celery, onions, and I strain off the stock leaving all these beautify cooked veges and some cooked chicken meat, would your chickens like the leavings and is it OK to give them "cooked" people food?.
My girls are persnickity about their vege scraps - no brocolli, cabbage, hard carrot tops. They love leafy greens, squash seeds, tomatoes, grapes, beef fat scraps (a treat!). They didn't like uncooked chicken hearts, gizzards (not surprising). Still testing new things. Question: When I make stock from a chicken carcass, carrots, celery, onions, and I strain off the stock leaving all these beautify cooked veges and some cooked chicken meat, would your chickens like the leavings and is it OK to give them "cooked" people food?.

Yes, cooked food is fine for chickens. You won't want to feed anything with high salt content or that's super processed, but most things are fine.

In fact, the softening that cooking carrots, broccoli, and cabbage imparts might make them more palatable to your flock.

I often feed exactly what you're mentioning (the solids left over from making stock/broth) to my flock and they love it. Nice little protein boost for them to off-set any lower protein fruit and veggies you feed.
When I make stock from a chicken carcass, carrots, celery, onions, and I strain off the stock leaving all these beautify cooked veges and some cooked chicken meat, would your chickens like the leavings and is it OK to give them "cooked" people food?.


I feel much better about throwing out the cooked-mushy vegetables from making stock when I can toss them in the chicken pen.

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