do you believe in bigfoot POLL!

do you believe in bigfoot

  • yes

    Votes: 21 45.7%
  • no

    Votes: 25 54.3%

  • Total voters
It can't be proven.... There is no actual footage of Bigfoot. Believe what you will. There could have been before the flood.

Genesis 2:4 ¶ There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

Giants that could be like Bigfoot. And legends like that of Pan the half goat guy could also originated from from before the flood. Of course you have to believe in the Bible and that is totally up to you. I do and before the flood the world was a totally different place........

I remember hearing somewhere that the giants the Bible refers to could have been angels (or angels that left God to follow Lucifer) that thought the early woman were beautiful and came to earth. The children that had angels (or would they be the fallen angels?) as fathers could be those giants. Perhaps that what Goliath was. - I'm not a Bible scholar, this is only an assumption. Don't hold me to that

Although I did kind of get off topic... Whoops!
Do I believe Bigfoot lives in modern suburbs and is routinely seen stalking trailer parks, and the woods behind biker bars?


Do I believe that a Bigfoot creature might be living in the Amazon jungle, or the Vast Canadian / Alaskan Forests far from civilization?

Yes, Its possible

I agree with Riki. There were large ape creatures found living in China(a long time ago) and from what I remember there are very few now, but there were lots more in the time frame when the land bridge between .....(Siberia? Something like that) and North America was believed to exist. Something to do with the Bering Straight, I'm sorry I'm really tired and it's really late here I can't remember a thing.

Also, think about this:
Humans (naturally) have body hair. Some more than others (some just shave it all off) but we still have it. There are people who have disorders(again, can't remember) that cause them to have excessive amounts of body hair. As we all know, if you don't shave/cut it, it grows.
Humans also have finger/toe nails. Girls, you know that if you let them grow enough sometimes they can get fairly long and hard. After a long time of not cleaning the dirt out of them or really paying much attention to them, they could become slightly, claw-like.
Hermits. There are hermits, who, live usually away from other people, and then who knows what happens to them.
Suppose you are one of those people who has lots of body hair. You might be embarrassed and prefer to live on your own, (or with someone who appreciates you for who you are) but generally away from lots of people. Perhaps you want to live in the country, mountains maybe. A small cabin, in the forest. Who knows what might happen to you? Now, you're not going to turn into big-foot, but you could look similar to what people picture.

^ I know that sounds crazy, but my dad used to pastor in a very backwoods area, mountains, hermity old people, even a couple who lived in a house made out of just doors. Something like my theory is possible. Those people basically become forgotten, there's an old lady who owns all the property behind the church, I've seen her a couple of times and know her first name(at least..I think I know.....), but she rarely comes down and not very many people see her. Some of the church members could almost pass off a big-foot at times.

Just saying. I'm not crazy, btw, just so you know.
And I did watch a video once from three real men who were found dead, reportedly mauled by a bear, everything in the video was true, and it really was those three men, and it couldn't have been a bear, and it couldn't have been faked. /: I know fake when I see it and it wasn't fake. No kidding. And, it was only an hour or two from where I live/d (we're moving :( ) and if you lived there you'd believe anything could be hiding in those woods. I've heard some scary stuff out there, lots of my friends too, unexplainable things.

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