Do you Believe in Santa?


8 Years
Jul 22, 2011
Chicken Heaven
Do you Believe in Santa , Or Do your Kids?

Why Or Why Not?

I Won't Tell You if i door Do not until there are Three Pages On this.

We all believe in Santa at my house and have convinced many others who were once non-believers.

The patron saint lived long ago. His spirit has endoured through the ages and is kept very much alive by many.

By the way, we are not Christian yet we all believe in Santa.
i saw him may 01 driving on his Harley down 31W near Ft Knox, no kidding . My husbnad loves Santa so much that he bought a costume.In 08, after the kids were in bed ,it started snowing on christmas eve. He put on the costume so we could take pictures outside.He decided to walk around the houses(two houses side by side)well the neighor who is also a soldier just happend to look out the window and saw him. He started yelling"Karyn, KARYN there is Santa Clause in the backyard" by the time his wife looked my husband of course was gone. Neither couldnt figure out where Santa came from in the middle of the night for days. But it gave her a good chuckle
I believe and those who enter my house better believe too, or keep there opinions to themselves.
Once I heard someone say Santa was created by the devil to distract us from the birth of Christ.
Dose any one believe in any one or any thing. Truly we try to make people believe or someone believe but dose it work? I think not we try to but they may start then they lose it. Just my thought
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