Do you believe in Werewolves?

Funky Feathers

former Fattie
11 Years
Jan 15, 2009
My Coop
My Coop
How many of us are/believe in Werewolves?
Me? I do.
Please post pics of Werewolves if you have any.
Drawings/paintings welcome too.
Are any of us werewolves?
Just curious, with Halloween coming and all.
Why do I? Because I AM one! Muahahahaaaaa!!
Cant say I do, I have a physics problem with the whole concept. Where do all the extra parts GO??? I mean, how do you turn a 160 pound guy into a 90 pound wolf, or a 90 pound woman into a 100 pound wolf? Where do the parts/pounds go that poeple have and wolves dont??

Cant say I do, I have a physics problem with the whole concept. Where do all the extra parts GO??? I mean, how do you turn a 160 pound guy into a 90 pound wolf, or a 90 pound woman into a 100 pound wolf? Where do the parts/pounds go that poeple have and wolves dont??

You got it all wrong... the 180 pound guy turns into a 300 pound werwolf! Haven't you seen the movies?

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