Do you Clean out poop from the run?

I shovel out about a third of my run in the fall, put it on my garden, and then add a good layer of leaves, garden clippings, wood chips etc. Over the winter, every week I add a bag of leaves (from people that rake their lawns- I store bags in basement to stay dry) which mixes with their poo over the winter and keeps them dry from snow. In the spring, I shovel out about half the run and put the wonderful compost onto my garden again. Then, repeat. Has been working great !
I mostly let everything in my run become new dirt and just add new shavings, bark chips etc to keep it fresh. However, a couple times a year I pull out some material. Probably because my soil has a lot of clay, some parts of my run periodically end up with a layer of dry, packed down actual dirt over the decomposing litter, and then the stuff on top of that crust doesn't break down well and builds up volume faster than it should otherwise. So, when I notice that happening in places, I take out what's on top for composting elsewhere, break up the weird clay crust, mix in some new pine chips, and it's good to go for a long time.
Curious to know if you all clean out poop from the run? I added pine bark nuggets and mix it around and it seems to be ok for now. Today, the edges of the run are getting muddy bc of the rain coming in from the sides. I'm reading to use pelletized bedding, but then it turns to sawdust. Are ppl picking out poop from it or just turning it often and letting everything just eventually become one with the dirt floor?
I have sand in 2/3 of run and compost material in the back 1/3. I scoop the poop from sand and toss in compost pile. Chickens scratch the compost around when I add dry leaves and chopped straw. Once a month I take most of the compost out and add it to my garden pile.
I have sand in 2/3 of run and compost material in the back 1/3. I scoop the poop from sand and toss in compost pile. Chickens scratch the compost around when I add dry leaves and chopped straw. Once a month I take most of the compost out and add it to my garden pile.
Every now and then I put grass or hay on one corner and leave the rest dirt (I had ducks that within 48 hours ate all the grass) this is before


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Curious to know if you all clean out poop from the run? I added pine bark nuggets and mix it around and it seems to be ok for now. Today, the edges of the run are getting muddy bc of the rain coming in from the sides. I'm reading to use pelletized bedding, but then it turns to sawdust. Are ppl picking out poop from it or just turning it often and letting everything just eventually become one with the dirt floor?
I clean underneath the chicken roosting area EVERY morning & also try to most of the poops inside the pen. Very easy & definitely keeps the smell down!
Coop is cleaned every day. Easy pick up. I have connecting runs. 2 are covered and one is a large yard covered with hawk netting. I clean up poop 2x daily (what I can see). The coop and covered runs have pine shavings and when they get old over time, they go in the large yard. I have clay soil and due to the drought is like concrete right now. Those old pine shavings give their feet a break and they constantly aerate it.

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