Do you count your chickens before bed?

Oh man... I thought I was a weirdo when I started doing this. (PS- I have severe anxiety) I count mine MULTIPLE times before I lock the hatch, and they aren't even in the run yet lol. I've been counting them non stop since we brought them home. I have 18 in our coop and 6 in our brooder... I'm a little obsessed with the counting lol. :idunno
I have 56 adults (chickens, ducks, geese) and 102 chicks and juveniles. I don’t count the chicks in the brooders and grow out areas. If no one’s dead, I assume they are all there. I do count all the adults in various coops, which have 10 or less.

But in my main coop, which has 20-30 adults and almost that many juveniles that have graduated from the brooder, it’s too hard to put eyes on each one at night. Most of them sleep in clumps. I do glance around and make sure my favorites are accounted for. Sometimes that means I have to push some apart so I can look between and under them. It’s too hard to count all of them that way. I figure if there’s no sign of trouble and no one is still wandering around outside when it’s time to close up, then they’re probably all in there.

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