Do you count your chickens before bed?

We have trained our 4 teenage grandchildren to head count and close up the coop. We have 30 new girls; so sometimes there are 1 or 2 that haven't figured out the routine yet and are hiding somewhere outside. In our last group of hens we had several completely disappear, one was attacked by a hawk, and a few were euthanized; so I think it is important to do a head count, if possible.
We both count them throughout the day, because we've had predation pressure, but don't want to keep the poor girls locked up, all the time, either. I count again, as they scramble their happy, 'buggie-hungry' fluffy-butts back into the run, in the evening, to make sure no one gets locked out, or is mia. But, hubs takes it a little farther, lol. He absolutely must count them on the rosy, at night, to make sure they're all there, comfy, and no one is being shunned. :lau :idunno:lau
I have 5 chicks, 7 hens in an enclosed run. I do not count at night. They put themselves to bed and unless it's winter, I just leave the door to the coop open for them. That way they can get up early without my having to get them up. I might count if I was free ranging...
For me I count when I let them out. If for some reason they were inside all day (rain, or wet ground) I probably won't count them. I have 37 in my laying flock right now, and 25 chicks in my mobile coop. I count the chicks every night too, even though I don't let them all out side yet. Sometimes I'll take one in the house, but I do bring it back, of course! Sometimes I'll count my hens over and over and over again. I want myself to know that they are all there, haha. Thanks for so many replies!!
How many of you count your chickens when you put them up at night? How many chickens would it take for you to give up counting?
Omg. I just thought about this today as I was counting them! It’s been 10 years and I still count them every day! But my highest was 21 so I’m sure at some point I would give up.
Love to see that I am not alone and as weird as I thought.

I let them out in the morning to free range all day. I do have a large predator presence but it’s been almost a year since my last big loss so counting happens every night. I have 18 laying hens (Plus 9 ISA browns in the broader) I count each night by breed. I find it easier than counting numbers while they are zooming around
1 Delaware
6 Buff Orpington
7 Black Sex-links

I have an evening routine that they happily follow to get them into their bunker, and from their I take count.

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