Do you ever get over the "eating a pet" feeling?


9 Years
Aug 13, 2010
Bonney Lake, WA
I really tried not getting attached to my chickens because I knew my hubby would want to eat a couple. I didn't name them either. I decided to get rid of half my flock, 13 down to 6 now. We found a real working farm butcher & had 7 done. I did this because the hens were all fighting over 2 favorite nest boxes when there were 6 boxes they could have used. All the hens had back feathers being plucked out. Their coop, although dementions were right for the amount just was too small for 13 hens, I also had a hard time keeping it clean not to mention keeping up with that many eggs. So this was best. Even though I tried not to make them pets they still became pets. We would let them out into the back yard & if we stepped outside they would come running. Anyway, hubby has eaten 2 of the chickens but I could only bring myself to take 2 bites & that's it. I just can't get over the feeling. There are 5 more in the freezer, not sure if I can get myself over this.

Here is a picture of the last remaining actual pets of mine. This is a more manageable flock for me. They were too funny today. My cocker is a pain in the rear, she comes when called on "her" terms. So I stick my head out the door & call for her to come in the house. My chickens come running faster then she does. Today my chickens decided to actually come up the steps for the first time. I find it funny, my chickens are smarter then my dog lol (atleast listen better anyway).


I know they become like pets to us. We have a Jersey calf named Bambi that will someday be our hamburg & steak, it comes with the territory of raising animals for food whether it be eggs or meat. Just know that you raised them well, you know what they were fed and you gave them a great life! Should make the process a little easier.
my oldest daughter is worried about eating them - so i bought some store bought chicken and put everything in sandwich bags in the fridge so she really doesnt know which one im cooking - it helps
I haven't processed mine yet, but my first chickens might be hard to eat because they're the FIRST, yanno? Also they weren't meant for meat, just for a 'test run' and eggs. But when 5 of them are boys, some will need to go!

I haven't named them, and instead I decided to pick a "favorite", one that I decidedly will not eat (unless it becomes a mean rooster, of course). That way I don't really care about the other ones, they're just biding their time...

I also find it helps to give them silly names like "Fried chicken" and "Chicken soup." I know some people might find that wrong or gross, but it keeps the end goal in focus. Also, I find keeping a breed where I cannot tell the difference who is who helps a lot. I got 26 Red star and I can't tell one from the other. There are 13 boys, all of which look the same so its almost impossible to get attached to one.

It sounds like in your case those birds were originally pet/egg purpose. To switch a focus like that I think would be extraordinarily difficult. I have a feeling when my laying hens are spent and need to be culled, I'm going to have a difficult time. That's a bird you take 2 years getting to know! Definitely understandable.
In high school I got a Holstine (can't spell this morning) calf (black & white dairy). We had gotten him from a friend who had gotten too many for veal. I was going to raise for meat. I even named him "Major Pain" hoping that would help me. Didn't. With his cute ness when bottle feeding & then we didn't have a pasture so I had to tie him out each morning to a big brick I just got too attached. At age 2 I sold him because with horns he would try to play with me, that was a little too dangerous.

I had 5 cuckoos so I didn't think I would get attached because there wasn't one I liked the most. Then there was a GLW, she was suppose to my special one but she was so poor quality that I didn't like her & she was the first to get her feathers plucked on her back. She was the worse with the feathers plucked, less work for the butcher lol. So I wasn't really sad to see them go but I just can't seem to eat them. I even get a weird feeling eating out of the can chicken soup with the little chicken chunks & that has nothing to do with my chickens lol. Maybe I'm just turning weird myself lol. I can eat their eggs no problem.

I have pet-birds, and I have freezer-destined-birds. I don't confuse the two and I never even try to butcher the pets. When they get to old to give eggs, they get lifetime retirement. But no medical benefits. When they go, they go.
I'm watching this post. I also have gotten attached to my chicks and 3 will be going to freezer camp.
personally I probably couldn't bring my self to do it I love all my chickens and probably would just survive on roman noodles before killing them
This is my plan as well. I have three birds with names. They will live as long as they naturally can.
The rest of them are in rotation to be stew after three years of laying.
We refer to them by the color of their leg bands. (The blue WR or the yellow BO)
They will be replaced by the new batch of no-names for dual purpose When we process.
We needed to clear out our henhouse for our new chicks, so the old hens had to go... It was a little hard, but much harder thinking about it then doing it.

I used to say that I was a horrible chicken farmer. "Queen Hen" was almost 8 years old. Some others had names to and they all had been around for at least 3 years. When the day came I started with the birds that did not have names.

We had 25 to do. So by the time I got to the 10 or so who I connected to more it was no longer a big deal.

In fact, I just started our first 10 Cornish crosses, our first meat Birds. If this goes well we will try ranging a few hundred freedom rangers this summer...

Remember, they are chickens. You treated them so well & you will make sure they do not suffer. It will be quick and you will have a closer connection to your food...

Good luck.

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