Do you have a favorite breed of dog?


11 Years
Apr 18, 2011
Hephzibah, GA
We presently have 9 dogs...yes 9....4 are chihuahuas, 1 lab, a great dane mix, a jack russel mix, a german shepard mix and a catahoula. I have to say that I LOVE our catahoula...he is protective of everything in the house and is a great lover. He is extremely loyal to my daughter! He will follower her anywhere and I can feel confident that NOONE would ever be able to harm her if he was around. So show me your favorite dog/breed!
I really love Great danes. Some day I would like to have one of my own. Right now we have an australian cattle dog. He is a great dog, but I'm not sure I'd get one again. Mostly, I find dogs that choose me and at that point, breed doesn't really matter! Normally I don't like pitbull looking dogs, but there is one at the shelter that pulls on my heart strings every time!
My white German Shepherd, Lady is by far the best dog I have ever owned. Smart as a whip! She will 'stalk', 'stay', 'get em' where she runs as fast as she can to get what I send her after, 'release' for when she brings it to me, 'sit', 'stay', 'lay down', 'heel', 'paw', 'prey', and many more! She has brought back more Varmin, & predators than I can tell you about, I assume after she's killed them. She helps me heard my mini horses back in when I let them out. She is the best guard dog, everyone new that comes to my house always tells me how 'scary' she is. She's bigger & white in color, with honey brown eyes and a black nose. She can always sense a bad person, even if she's inside. She's the most gentle dog I have ever known with any 'good' animal. Cats, other dogs, chicks, hamsters, rabbits. I'd trust her with anything. I love her, as much as I can love a dog! She has been through so much! She was hit by a car when she was about 7 months old, when I was on vacation and had someone watching her. It cost $4,000 to give her a plastic and metal hip, but she and I had that kind of connection, and I couldn't put her down.... She's kind of a bionic dog. I wouldn't trade her for anything.
I live with my grandmother while I am going to college and she has 7 dogs!
1 min pin
1 golden retriever=]
1 chinese crested
1 yorkie
1 mutt- half chihuahua, quarter black lab and quarter weenie dog...and yes she is funny looking...I call her Yoda
2 terrier of sorts
Great Danes are my absolute fave, but I love big dogs in general--with rotties being a close second. Had a huge rottie/mastiff/st bernard mix that was just the sweetest thing!
Mutts. Some of my best friends are mutts. We have 6 dogs. All came from the shelter. 5 of them are mutts and one is a pure breed collie puppy that also came from the shelter.
I have a border collie/australian sheperd/mix and she is my buddy. One of the best dogs I have ever owned. Smart too!

Here is a couple pictures of her:

Doing her job of bringing in firewood (dog carting)

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I would have to go with pit bulls. I just can't help loving the bully personality. Then I would also like standard poodles and greyhounds. I worked at a vet office as a kid/teenager/college student and I have to admit that I quickly figured out what breeds I liked for myself, and what breeds I might like but never want to own. There is a big difference. I know that I might like any dog, but I gravitate towards these three breeds.
I'm going with mutts as well. All the best dogs I've had have been mutts. The current two are a german shepherd/beagle/some other stuff, and a brown dog. They are great dogs, loyal and willing and they both love to mush!




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