Do you have a name for your egg selling business?

Mine is *The Backyard Chicken Ranch*
(we have alot of nice girls here)

It's a play on ZZ top's song le grange, The real life Chicken ranch in Le grange Texas better know as "The best little W***e house in Texas"

I don't own a farm either that's why I added the "Backyard" part to it.

Good luck to you in finding a name.

I made up labels to stick on the egg cartons, They say:
Chuck and Lauries Wildlife Adventures
Fresh Eggs from our Happy Free Range Chickens
Doing our small part to help create a local sustainable food system

We are also expanding our garden this year and we have 2 businesses that buy eggs and produce.

Ohio, They are all mixed breeds but will have brown eggs. It will just be a few dozen for eating. I just want something catchy and cute to put on the label.

Label will have
-A blurb about price and discount for bringing back the carton.

I wanted to incorporate our last name but it doesn't sound good because our last name is Stone..... Stone eggs sounds funny. Hopefully if we are able to get someone to plow up the back yard we are going to plant a big patch of tomatoes and in the front a big patch of pumpkins.
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I'll have to think a bit, but I am sure some other members that are really good with naming will chime in and help.

Instead of Stone Eggs, you could put Stone's Fresh Eggs, but we'll think of something for you.
Mine is Yesteryear Poultry and seed, because of the type of chickens I have. Heritage types. So I thought of some thing that reminded me of long ago. You don't have to have a farm to have a great name. Look up "how to name a business", or "whats in a great business name". Also plug in the word "farm" instead of business. It will give you an idea on how to start your ideas coming. I used a scratch piece of paper and just started writing down my ideas, as I was reading. Good luck! If you post some info on your chickens and type of information you want to portray with your business name, maybe we can help with the name.
No farm here either.

We are The YardFarmers.

what image do you want people to think of when they think about you and your chickens? ex. country, healthy, happy, old-fashioned, gourmet, delicious- just some adjectives to start brainstorming

I sometimes use an internet Thesaurus when I need descriptive words. I like Stone because it sounds "country"

Stone's throw, stone lane, stoney.........., sticks and stones,

Do your chickens have names? Maybe something to do with their names.


YardFarmer Julie

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