Do You Have An Opinion On Killing Predators?

I don't live in the US so don't have as much of a problem with predators here in the UK the main being Foxes, I would never kill any predators, they have as much right as we have to be here and are looking for food, I will modify my coops/runs and do all I can to foil them getting in though, any breach will be my fault and my fault only, there are plenty more where that one came from in any case so my chickens will be killed eventually if I don't stop them getting in.
I lost all my chickens once to my own pet ferrets that escaped and got into their coop I was distraught but blamed myself completely, realising I could no longer keep the two I gave the ferrets away to a family that wanted some that is the only time my chickens have been killed by anything and hopefully will be the last, still the fox pays a visit every night to check my handy work.
No. Yours are the most arrogant and insulting comments I've seen on this forum. But returning to the topic of chickens: please continue to continue to care for your them as you see fit.
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I think the biggest problem is that the original post started with the following:
This is not meant to provoke anyone or to be antagonistic.
and then proceeded to criticize anyone who didn't do what the OP thinks should be done - so actually, it's the definition of being antagonistic. That being said, it's fun to watch people hiding behind a computer screen get so nasty about something like keeping chickens...

Keep it up boys and girls - it's fun to watch you deteriorate into name-calling... on a chicken keeping forum....
For the most part I agree with people who say it is best to have a good defense against predators in the form of secure pens. But in the case of dogs and the like, I am more likely to SSS. Too many cases lately where roaming dogs have decided to prey on kids or adults in their own yards. I don't tend to be hyper about loose dogs usually but I'm not taking chances with my kids. People that really care about their animals don't let them wander.
I have and will always have a handgun. My Glock .380 is by my bed in a coffee container and when my husband is out of town it is under his pillow. I know how to shoot it and had to show that I could. I do not keep it loaded but the clip is with it for quick loading. We are the only two in our house and if children come, it immediately goes up out of reach and hidden. I also have two dogs. One has been trained to defend me. I was stalked for 1 1/2 yrs with constant death threats. As a result, I have chronic PTSD and have had it for 17 yrs. If someone comes into my house uninvited ,they don't have a right to be in my house. If they can get in past my dogs and I can't get away, I will not hesitate to shoot and I don't mean in the leg. Knock on my door first and I will introduce you to my dogs if I know you. Then you will be fine unless I tell my dogs otherwise. BTW...I don't even leave my house to the yard or store w/o a dog. They wear a vest that says "Service Dog". our last home, there were several burgulries along our road through the National Forest, including our home twice. There were also a couple of murders. Those in VA maybe heard of the VT students that were killed at Caldwell Field in Blacksburg? That was 3 miles from our house. We were also told by the police... to keep a gun.

OK...I hear all of you! Maybe some have and maybe some have not had your
"friends" killed by predators. If you have, then you may understand a bit one word for me, if I catch a predator in action....and ONLY in action...

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Hey spikenipper! Glad to hear I'm not the only person in the Uk who doesn't go around killing predators willy nilly. I got put off another forum where everyone started aggressively attacking the OP who was simply asking a question about traps. No-one answered her question, everyone tried to tell her to kill the animals instead.
Totally agree with you that it is our job as chicken owners to protect our flocks by providing them with a predator proof coop/run. The predators were here long before our chickens...
It wasn't till I joined BYC that I learned it was actually illegal to catch and RELEASE some animals, that you have to kill them.
We built our enclosures to protect from the predators in our area, not every animal known to man. I don't ever want to have to kill any animal, chicken killer or not. If you move to the woods and then proceed to kill any animal that comes onto your property, I think maybe you moved to the wrong place.
I live in a small community right outside Colorado Springs, we all have 2.5 acre plots. I can count on two hands the number of real fences around here, and this place has been here ten years. You know what I see on every stop sign in this place? Lost animal signs. Know what we did the first two weeks after we bought? Put up a fence. A good one.
Our chicken run is fully enclosed. So, when I see a Hawk or two or three, flying over my property, I don't run outside screaming. I sit and watch them, cause they're doing what they should be doing, hunting and killing what they can get a hold of.

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