Do you know people who are ALWAYS sick?

My mom is always sick. So it seems. But I think its just in her head. She lays around and does nothing all day. Might have something to do with depression. She is on medication for it but it doesnt seem to be doing anything for her. I try to incourage her to get out and do things with me but she just gets grumpy and tells me she doesnt feel good.
preppy*hippie*chick :

My dad is kind of like that, but most annoyingly it's when I'm sick that the real fun starts. No matter what ailent anyone has, he has it or has had it and his is/was way worse. It's incredibly irritating.

What? That's just like my husband! Of course, you only hear about his illness after trying to get sympathy for your own. And, his is way worse!!​
She was not complaining and there was no indication she was not compassionate toward her patients. She was making an observation. And it is pertinent here. Psych patients tend to be preoccupied with their physical health. That's the way it is.
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If it's a hangnail, I make noise. If it's more broken ribs, I stay quiet. Debi nailed it.

I have to laugh at one of my sisters though- she must have a lifetime membership in the "Disease of the Month Club". We all just make sympathetic noises, and the next month it's something new and different. She mostly does it to keep her kids close by. She did have breast cancer, and never once complained during the chemo, etc, she was a real trooper. 15 year survivor, and still doesn't complain about it.

People are funny, but isn't that what makes them so interesting?
Regarding talking about pain all the time . . . talking too much about anything is annoying, unless you have a personal interest in the matter. People get that look in their eye when I start to talk chickens, like they'd pay anything to have an anvil fall on my head. I feel the same way when parents start talking children and can't seem to stop. My GIL had a group of friends who loved to share horror stories about the many aches and pains they experienced in a day. The trick is finding people with common obsessions, and you're good.
I have a niece that complains about everything.. She has NEVER called me (she calls almost every day
) without a complaint of hurting and or sick! It wouldn't bother me so much but she will be smoking a cigarette and say " I can't breathe", "I have bronchitis, phenomena or horrible cold. She has inhalers she uses. She also takes muscle relaxers every day- but she'll call me tomorrow and say I hate taking these things but I haven't taken one in months and she just said the day before she had to take TWO! She drives my dh crazy.

I have an aunt that is a complainer.... One time, when we were kids, "we were on our way to visit her and her family, when my dad stopped the car in the middle of the road and announced "The first one of you who asks Dot (my aunt) how she is doing, will get a swift kick in the behind!" When asked ' how are you' she would go into this hour long complaint about all her aliments.
My family has several medical issues: My dad is a diabetic (runs in the family) I almost lost my mom and Grandmother to cancer, my dad, my older and younger sister (and maybe even me!) have poly cystic kidney disease (eventually, it will kill them/us), my older sister has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (it's real, not in her head), my younger sister has debilitating migraines and I have chronic back problems, have since I was 9. But you know what? We don't complain much at all, unless we are writhing in pain. (Ummm...unless this counts as complaining:

ON THE OTHER HAND, my sister in law, an artist that stays inside all day long in front of the computer, seems to ALWAYS have a headache. On the phone when there is a lull, she will say "I'm not thinking to straight right now, my head has sorta hurt all day." How does some one's head "sorta" hurt?! When we come down to visit for the weekend, she will say "Hi! How was your trip?.....My stomach is really upset now..." I just play along and tell her I'm sorry to hear it. Her stomach might really hurt, but why does she have to include that in her greeting? Argh.
Ok, side note here. I have often wondered why some people seem to blanch, freak out, or make varying unattractive facial reactions to the thought of throwing up. For me, if my stomach is upset, I'd rather throw up and be done with it, rahter than be in torturous agony for hours as I wait for "whatever" to pass. IDK, I guess to each their own

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