Do you make your kids eat what they are served?

BEETS!..those are the vilest things!....i tried so hard to eat them for this diet i was had to eat differant things on differant days(supposed to loose big i made every day..except the stinkin beets!..
hmm.png B sprouts..i love...

B Sprouts are aborted baby cabbage...How can you morally consume the unborn?
Dadgummit!!...Those things should be allowed to grow into something more tasteful. They are not allowed the opportunity to achieve their right to excell.



Gulp!..i dont wanna eat babies!....but, they are soo0 good cooked in butter!...
..but we cant eat babies!!'d be like eating a chick instead of a chicken....
B Sprouts are aborted baby cabbage...How can you morally consume the unborn?
Dadgummit!!...Those things should be allowed to grow into something more tasteful. They are not allowed the opportunity to achieve their right to excell.



Gulp!..i dont wanna eat babies!....but, they are soo0 good cooked in butter!...
..but we cant eat babies!!'d be like eating a chick instead of a chicken....

B Sprouts are the preferred food of SATAN...He hates cabbage so much that he delights in eating their babies.

I'm not kidding...I read this somewhere in Acts...I think it was somewhere around verse 12 or so. My Bible is illustrated and if I remember correctly it is on the page behind Peter, Paul and Mary praying at the Christmas Tree. Look for a dragon in the way back.


Gulp!..i dont wanna eat babies!....but, they are soo0 good cooked in butter!...
..but we cant eat babies!!'d be like eating a chick instead of a chicken....

B Sprouts are the preferred food of SATAN...He hates cabbage so much that he delights in eating their babies.

I'm not kidding...I read this somewhere in Acts...I think it was somewhere around verse 12 or so. My Bible is illustrated and if I remember correctly it is on the page behind Peter, Paul and Mary praying at the Christmas Tree. Look for a dragon in the way back.



lau.gif, i guess you wont be having them for Turkey Day?...LOL...they are awful cute though!....i bet i could cook them for ya, and you would like you like cabbage?...
My kid eats what I put in front of him or he goes hungry AND does not leave the dinner table. I don't know how many times he hasn't liked something and had to sit at the table for 2 hours. He doesn't do that anymore! I don't want him to go hungry, and I know the food I cook is good for him. Most of the time he doesn't want to eat because he wants to play, or do something else. That doesn't fly with me, he will sit there till that food is gone.

When I was a kid I HATED brussel sprouts (STILL DO!!!), cabbage, sweet potatoes, spinach, collard greens, and pretty much everything else that is really green (has a lot of chlorophyll in it). Peas, green beans, and broccoli are the only exceptions, even to this day. My parents cooked the nasty ones on a regular basis, and although I put up a fight they MADE me eat them. I was not a happy child, but I was healthy. Now I am old enough to choose what I eat, and you won't see cabbage or brussel sprouts in my house. When I was a kid I didn't have a choice, and I didn't die from it. I'm still alive, and we only got sick every once in a great while because we ate healthy. Mom knows best, and if the food is nutritious that's all that matters. I didn't go hungry cause my mom knew how to cook healthy, and I didn't get sick cause my immune system was good because I ate healthy.

My friend lets her child pick and choose what to eat, to the point of this child putting her food on other people's plates. She wants macaroni and cheese, hot dogs, etc, not good home cooked food. This kid is NOT healthy. She won't eat vegetables, and her mother lets her get away with it. I can't stand for that. All she has to do is throw a tantrum and she gets her way, and I know that although some kids may genuinely not like something I would rather they were miserable and healthy instead of happy and sick.

It may seem cruel, but the kids in other countries would KILL for beans and rice, so what right does my kid have to be picky? God has blessed us with food, we will not go hungry. Just because it's not the food they would prefer does not change the fact that they must eat it. I love my child, and desire the best for him. We don't have much money, so whatever I can manage to cook is what he gets. I don't give him the option of not eating, he won't get up till the food's gone.

Kids can be very stubborn, I don't know how many times my friend's child will take one or two little bites and still say she doesn't like it just so she doesn't have to eat it and gets her way. It sucks dealing with a stubborn kid, but I am the parent, not my child, his health is my responsibility and I'll be darned if he's gonna go to bed hungry just cause he's being picky.

I'm sorry if this sounds cruel, but keep in mind I was once the wannabe picky eater. My parents made me eat, and the good outweighs the bad. Tough love ain't supposed to be easy!!!!
If you talk to most doctors they will tell you that children have taste buds that are different than ours. Certain textures seem weird to them as well. They change as they get older. We need to make sure they are getting a well balanced diet but that doesn't mean forcing them to eat something they just don't like. My 11 year old does not like fish and my husband and I eat fish at least once a week. I don't cook a seperate meal for him but I do let him make a grilled cheese sandwich or warm up something from the night before. He eats almost any fruit or vegtable we have so I don't worry about it.

It is different if you have a child that will not eat anything but junk. Or that refuses to eat any meal you make. If thats the case they must not be hungry and when they get hungry let them know that they must choose something healthy and not cookies.

With all the eating disorders that are out there these days I would hate to force my child to eat something they really don't care for as that may cause them to develop a problem with food !

There are some things that I really don't care for that I make for my husband because he does. I won't eat liver,okra, and seldom eat beef, but I do make it sometimes.

After all this rambling my point is as long as they eat healthy choices when they eat they will be fine.
B Sprouts are the preferred food of SATAN...He hates cabbage so much that he delights in eating their babies.

I'm not kidding...I read this somewhere in Acts...I think it was somewhere around verse 12 or so. My Bible is illustrated and if I remember correctly it is on the page behind Peter, Paul and Mary praying at the Christmas Tree. Look for a dragon in the way back.



lau.gif, i guess you wont be having them for Turkey Day?...LOL...they are awful cute though!....i bet i could cook them for ya, and you would like you like cabbage?...

I love cabbage and everything that you can do to it, but I HATE cabbage's toddelers. With age comes taste...those little cabbage wannabe's have terrible taste.

Maybe if momma cabbage had made them listen to classical music while they were germinating they would have decent taste. She probably let them listen to Death Metal/Gangsta Rap.


it is true that our taste buds every 7 years(i heard)...i know that i'll eat alot of things today that i would not touch as a child...when i was a kid all i would eat was spinach(go figure..
) and corn(for veggies), i eat alot of differant veggies..i even made my husband start eating spinach..he hated it as a child..and wouldnt eat it since...i made him try it he loves, i do think that our taste buds change...

cjeanean..i dont think you are mean at think you sound like a very caring, good mother!....i just know that when i was a kid, my parents couldnt get me to eat something that i didnt want to..i just simply wouldnt eat it..i sat up at the table all night once over my father had to go to was such a brat!....i notice(since i do foster care..i get alot of differant children here)..that they will try to manupilate me over they want the pork chop..but wont eat the, i simply tell them they can have a PB&J sandwich..i dont let them pick and choose what part of my meal they want to eat(but i aslo do older childern foster care..teens)..i had a kid once that said he was allergic to onions....(he wasnt)..but he had been getting away witht his for years at other, since i knew that he wasnt really allergic to them i cooked someting with onions in it(but he couldnt see them in it)..and he ate a whole, later on i asked him how he felt..."ooh fine, he says..why?..".."because you just ate a whole bunch of onions that you are supposed to be allregic to" ..
.....he didnt pull that crap with me, yes, you are right..alot of times its just kids wanting to go play..or trying to manupliate the parents...i dont force mine..but, they get nothing special cooked for them either...AND they DO have to try something at least once....also...i have a kid now that hates, i compermise with him..i tell him if you want the rest of the meal..(hes a big you HAVE to have SOME of the spinich we are having wiith the meal..(even if its just a big table spoon full) least he is eating SOME veggies AND getting a balanced meal... the kids that dont want to compermise with me get PB&j...
lau.gif, i guess you wont be having them for Turkey Day?...LOL...they are awful cute though!....i bet i could cook them for ya, and you would like you like cabbage?...

I love cabbage and everything that you can do to it, but I HATE cabbage's toddelers. With age comes taste...those little cabbage wannabe's have terrible taste.

Maybe if momma cabbage had made them listen to classical music while they were germinating they would have decent taste. She probably let them listen to Death Metal/Gangsta Rap.



you are a trip!..
..if you eat cabbage, you will like brussel sprouts!..i insist! go get some and eat them NOW!..and dont give me any back talk..or you wont get a snack tonight!...
..cabbage toddlers!..
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I love cabbage and everything that you can do to it, but I HATE cabbage's toddelers. With age comes taste...those little cabbage wannabe's have terrible taste.

Maybe if momma cabbage had made them listen to classical music while they were germinating they would have decent taste. She probably let them listen to Death Metal/Gangsta Rap.



you are a trip!..
..if you eat cabbage, you will like brussel sprouts!..i insist! go get some and eat them NOW!..and dont give me any back talk..or you wont get a snack tonight!...
..cabbage toddlers!..

I'm not saying never, but I ain't screaming soon. You need to PM Ginger some type of B Sprout recipe that you assume will not make me puke. GOOD LUCK!

Happy trails and ggod night.


Fresh brussel sprouts are far better in taste and texture than frozen ones. If you have to buy frozen buy the petites and a true name brand leader - not a grocery store brand.

Steam to for tender. Drain. Sautee quickly in a small pan of butter with salt and pepper to taste. Crumble bacon on top.

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