Do you make your kids eat what they are served?

We eat that now. It is not poor eating. I spend a small fortune raising game and meat for our table.

My kids have learned we can't buy better food than I give them from our own hard work.

Who can say that is a poor thing! In today's world it is the healthest you can serve to your family! You know what your animal was fed, how they were cared for and all that!!!

I understand completely. As adults I am sure they will some day thank you for what you have done for them. Tough love is a hard road to follow but the lessons learned by our children are ones they need to learn and are often the ones that hurt the most being taught.
if my kids dont like what we are having, then they can make themselves a peanut butter sandwich, if we have any at the time. i usually just tell them to be grateful that they have food on their plates, unlike a lot of children and eat it.
I totally agree with you about some foster homes..i am a foster parent myself..and i have this problem ALOT with my kids i get in my house... but, the thing with foster care is and i dont think people really understand...they are not our own cant MAKE them eat something they dont really like...and we CANT have to eat it or you will go hungry..its ACTUALLY illegal to withhold food from a child(in foster care) HAVE TO LEGALLY GIVE THEM 3 MEALS A DAY AND SNACKS...IT ACTUALLY IS WRITTEN IN A CONTRACT THAT WE HAVE TO SIGN(probably due to sicko foster parents starving the kids or whatever)...thats why i always have good old peanut butter and jelly aviable for them(in case they dont like what we are eatiing for supper), so, while i agree that MANY foster homes just dont care, and they dont bother fighting with the kids over proper nutrition....there is another legal side to it all...we foster parents have to watch what we do and dont do reguarding food and children..just wanted to add this info...thanks, Wendy

My wife and I were foster parents as well, thats how we came to adopt the boys. Knowing the laws well and the purpose, we let our license lapse. We saw so many children being abused by society and neglected by their parents it became a chore to be involved in the program and maintain a positive outlook. One of the more aggravating parts was to deal with case workers who do not have children, are very young and they have the power to say you are wrong, or your thinking is wrong. They should be more practically qualified than that. They need a training program not a degree. They need better qualifications.
The popular school of thought now is to be your childrens friend not a parent.
Those who are still involved and are good fosters, such as yourself, are the unsung heroes that should be properly identified and praised. You are a brave and dignified few that I salute!
Sorry for the rambling.
PS. Love your snout!
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Give them 3 meals. You have met your obligation. If they don't eat it that is their choice and not your fault. My sister has foster kids. They get hungry and they do eat what is prepared at any age.
Thanks..thats my piggy Dyson..
...and..ooh, dear, do i ever hear what you are saying about the system,,scary indeed!...and, ooh yes!..that gets me SO infurated!(sp?)...*(the new school of thought, to be your childs friend and not the parent)*...*SNORT!!*..yeah right!...i dont know how many times i have had to go toe to toe with these people(mainly the kids therapist).."*they dont like it when you take away their play station...could you choose a differant punshiment?"*....My response>>,*"um..NO...its my house, and i run it how i see fit..a child will NOT run my house..there will be plently of things in life they wont like..what are they going to do when their boss tells them something they dont want to hear?..they better learn how to accept authority now..while they still, they can keep a job as an adult..and dont end up in, NO..sorry....the children in my house dont make the decisions..AND..i KNOW they dont like it when i take away their games....thats the WHOLE POINT of a punishment!(idiots...)"*..thats what they hear from me!..LOL....but, i must say since starting this job..and have got to know other foster parents..i see why alot of them are the way they are....its easier for them to shut their mouths and keep their jobs then fight for whats right...alot of them have the " you cant fight city hall" mind set....and it is really sad..alot of good foster parents have quit their jobs because of all the BS involved.....but as for foster company KNOWS that i what i say.. i mean......and i wont back down..and i document EVERYTHING..(i'm not taking the fall for a lazy case worker...)...thats what happens to so many of these kids..they are just passed from house to house...and they learn NOTHING...except how to have attachment issues...
It's depends. If say it was beans, I don't eat them, I nearly get sick when I eat them. Now I don't have to eat them but other things aren't fixed. ALTHOUGH, theres bread, butter, peanut butter and jelly!
very true miss prissy!...they will eat when they are hungry enough..or get sick of pb&J....i do teen boys foster guys get hungry!..they will eat...when they see they cant manipulate me....
That is as smart as the lady who spends 2 hours in 'Curves' walks out and into the convenience store next door. Grabs a coke, a dingdong, a candy bar, two fried chicken legs and fried potatoes and says to the cashier. "I cannot understand why Curves does not work for me...I have been going every day for 5 months and have not lost a pound". I wanted to grab her, shake her and say IDIOT looks what you stuff in your face when you leave the place.
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