Do you name your chickens?

Do you name your chickens?

  • Yes

    Votes: 173 81.2%
  • No

    Votes: 12 5.6%
  • Only my favorites

    Votes: 28 13.1%

  • Total voters
I have a weird naming system, sometimes they get named shortly after hatch (and I have been surprisingly accurate with genders sometimes), roosters almost always end up with a name, hens that I can tell apart from the others often get a name, and sometimes chickens "earn" a name. Examples of earning a name. I have a cockerel named Goat, because he kept sneaking into the goat paddock and sometimes sleeping in there cause he wouldn't come to me. I had a hen named Lady Pinky cause she survived a dog attack and had pink stained feathers, unfortunately lost track of her once she moulted :oops:. Spices earned her name for being the only one of my Buff sussex hens to survive a fox attack (name is completely unrelated but she definitely deserved a name). I have quite a few waiting for names right now because I need ones that "fit" them, the last one to receive a name got "Squash".
We do! Our current flock:
  • Tiny Black Silkie: Dottie
  • Black Australorp: Gertie aka Gertrude
  • Three Easter Eggers: Ruby Tuesday, Veritie, Clever Clara
Previous Girls that Passed:
  • Lilly
  • Poppy
I wanted to name one of our Easter Eggers (they are the newest additions) Extra Crispy or Chicken Nugget but once I met them, they needed something different LOL
I usually do. If its ones I can't tell the difference, I just give them a quad name lol. Mine are Mane Avis, Repecka, Belle, Goldilocks, Shot, Mama, and Storm. There is two leghorn game mixes I can't tell apart, I call them the 'Leghorn mixes'
Oh! And the chicks. There is Brownie, Nugget, Nupe, and Chipmunk. I used to be able to tell Nugget and Brownie apart, but not as much anymore.

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