Do you put eggs in cartons for lockdown or let them roll freely????

I got mine in egg cartons.

Once the bator is empty after next week, I plan to make a small improvement by making a space for lockdown eggs in a staggered hatch.
The batch that is hatching right now is still in the egg turner, that next weeks batch is in, as I decided to turn just 1x a day to balance the needs of both clutches.

I dont like the idea of hatched chicks rolling other hatching eggs around, causes to much energy to be used for repositioning inside the egg instead of hatching out.
And that is totally different than tilting an eggtray 1x a day, imo.

I will continue to use the egg ccarton, I believe thats the way to go.
I just finished a batch in egg cartons. I cut the holes like everyone said and trimmed them down a little too.
100% of my local eggs hatched. The shipped eggs only 60% hatched.

I also used the shelf paper and just loved it.

We get really good advice here.
My babes are going into lockdown on Friday. I have not had a hatch for several years and have not heard of the carton method. What is the best position for the eggs to be in? and I have used cheesecloth on the wired grid in the past to allow humidity and airflow. Is there a newer opinion on using cheescloth or is it still okay? Thanks, I am learning so much here!
OK, so is this how to do it - take a paper egg carton and cut the bottom of the cups out, then put the eggs in there for lcokdown? Don't the chicks get stuck in there, or are they OK to get out of the cup?
I just finished an experiment on this subject. I set 24 eggs in styrofoam cartons and set 14 on the wire. I did not cut bottoms in the egg holders, but I did cut the ridges that run lengthwise in the middle. I set the eggs in the carton normally (just like the store, observing family memebers did not like that and told me it was wrong. 19 of the eggs in cartons hatched perfectly fine, 10 on the wire hatched.

Conclusion: I really liked the carton method and will do it again.

There were moments when I thought they may get stuck but they easily handled it all on their own. Go for it.
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Wow!!! So much more info than I imagined and so appreciated!

I'll have to try it this week. I'm hatching BCMs for myself and some of my browns for a friend, so I figure this will help me keep them separate while they're in the same bator.
I'll have to see if I have spare shelf liner, though I wonder if parchment might be OK(?)...

Once again, I'm so overwhelmed by the knowledge and response.

Thank you, BYCers!!!

I'm so glad this was asked--I've been wondering the same myself and intended to start a thread on it! Sounds like I'm going to give the egg cartons a try.

As during the rest of the hatch, you put the small end of the eggs down in the egg carton, right? Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong!
Yes small end down!

I never had to cut the bottoms out. I just leave it as it is and never had any problems of chicks hatching out of them.
Don't use any paper that the chicks can slip on or they may get spraddle leg. The shelf paper, especially the kind you put in RVs so things don't slide around on the shelves, works great. It has little holes in it for ventilation.

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