Do YOU trim your ROOSTER's spurs???


11 Years
Jul 3, 2008
Christmas, Florida
I was wondering if I should trim my Roosters Spurs so he can not hurt the hens?

They look so sharp and are getting bigger not to mention he has made some attempts to chase people away that do not belong in the yard like the neighbors guinee I am afraid he will hurt someone with them not to mention his girls.

I was told you can remove them? not sure how true that is?
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Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. I saw a man cut his roo's with metal cutters and the roo seemed completely fine. Freaked me out as I was cringing for blood to go spurting. I'm just not sure how far in you can go before you hit the quick. Anyone????
He was completely content and clucking while he did it and actually seemed happy that it was done. I know my roo's spurs sometimes get so long, but we just trim so it's comfortable for them and not rubbing. My big RIR roo needs it done often.
Yes, you can trim a rooster's spurs, but you have to be careful of cutting too much off, and risking an infection. There's a great article posted on the BYC somewhere.

Let me do a search - hopefully I'll find it and post the link. I FOUND IT.

CUDA has a great article on his website. Here is the link:
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I used a dremmel with a cutoff wheel, used for cutting thin bolts, or nuts off, the speed and heat actually cauterizes the quick as it goes through. Roos are still alive, and doing thier thing, just not doing as much damage in the process.
I use a RotoZip (similar to Dremel). Worked great. Had DW hold the chicken per CUDA's instructions, and all was well. The Rooster acted like he didn't feel a thing. I think wrapping him in a towel threw him off...
I have never trimmed my roo's spurs and never had any problems.


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